This is an original image I made for a post that never managed to get out of the printing press. Judging by the current atmosphere, now it's relevant more than ever.
It was made somewhere around the first quarter of the pandemic, and it depicts the depressing alternate reality we've been thrown into by our oppressive governments in response to the, at the very least questionable, pandemic.
The grey and dull tones of the image represent the current state of the world as our collective energy levels are drained by the worldwide lockdowns - yet daily life somehow has to continue.
We've found ourselves in a situation where "free money" is seemingly falling from the skies - yet none of it is landing in our pockets.
Instead, it just magically appears to materialize in big corps, banks, government institutions, conglomerates, big-tech companies, etc. bank accounts - for the sake of "boosting the economy."
Oximoronically enough, our governments keep either spending our money or fresh money they've collectively indebted us all for, in order to fix the problems they themselves created - an age-old “problem -reaction- solution" manipulation tactic.
I'm frustrated beyond comprehension that it still works.
While most are gaslighted by the pandemic, the wealth and inequality gap is being intentionally blown out of proportions by economic measures such as the BRRRR machine, interest rates, overnight repo operations, etc. resulting in the average Joe and Jane having to work more hours for less purchasing power - if they are even lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
The top 1% now own more wealth than the bottom 92%, and the 50 wealthiest Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of American society – 165 million people.
What it all boils down to, is time-confiscation and wealth-deterioration on a grand scale, where the only ones who can escape are, the elite.
It's not even covert anymore!
You just got to be able to see through their bs, PR narrative.
It's glaringly obvious that the 0.01%'s are deliberately outpricing the rest of the population out of housing, healthcare, education, food, and a plethora of other basic necessities, yet their propagandist mouthpieces keep repeating the same mantra: "Don't worry about it anon, the economy is growing, and inflation is transitory."
What we're experiencing right now is a demonic, soul-crushing, devastating, Orwellian, nightmare.
Globalist elite wet dream.
The great distraction!
And quite possibly precursor to the great reset.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it seems to me that it's going to have to get a lot worse before it gets any better.
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I have seen about the USA housing crisis and it is disguting.
Banks are not allowing credit for small people, so instead of paying $1000 a month for financing the purchase of a home they have to pay $2000 a month in rent.
And guess who own the houses that are rented for twice the mortgage monthly payment? Very very rich people and big real estate investors.
There is even an startup that showed up that specializes in evicting people from their homes and buying for cheap to rent it back to the same kind of people that were evicted, but now they pay double as rent than what they would pay in mortgage.
Totally disgusting system.
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