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RE: Marketing Update 27 // WendyO interview/New promo video/ Ad landing page.

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Well, you lied here just a second ago. Said I spent money on this interview. I didnt. So it definitely is not a fact.

Can't tell if pretending to be a retard for the sake of argument or truly retarded but ok, I'll let this slide for the sake of not going into futher discussion about something as irrelevant.

Its a brilliant game. The best NFT game by far.

Get those pink shades off my man.

I couldnt care less about a promise he might have made 3 years ago when this was started as a hobby project by 2 guys that had no idea it would grow into anything.

It's a promise a lot of users invested by and you're just going to say it's not important, wow. I truly thought you weren't like this but you're the embodiment of the plagued and corrupt Balkan mentality. Ready to gloss over something like this for the sake of making money. Disgusting.

Holding them accountable for that is laughably absurd. Even more so because they at the same time delivered so much.

You're a joke. Not holding them accountable for that is laughably absurd.

Oh so SL bots ingame but AI didnt buy all those followers on Twitter. Got it. 😂

You have no idea what you're talking about and are just digging your own grave with this idiotic statement.

AS if twitter followers mean anything. No ones fucking paying 5000 USD for a Axie.

Yeah, you're completely right. It's so irrelevant to be big on the most popular (among crypto people) social media platform out there. What was I even thinking?

I'm so glad you're running Hive's marketing efforts when you've got such knowledge at the tip of your fingertips.

You surely didn't visit the market in a long time and have no idea what you're talking about but yeah, keep pretending to be smart and talking through your ass.

My god. Thats why Axie has only 10k players and less token holders than Splinterlands on BSC.

Ok, now you're really showing how stupid you are. Please ser do some research next time before you open your mouth.


Also, you're the one lying here. Trying to convince me or anyone else reading this that a 170k crypto influencer did an interview for free is an insult to our intelligence. THIS IS NOT HOW PROMOTIONS WORK WITH INFLUENCERS AND SHE DEFINITELY DID NOT DO THIS OUT OF HER GOODWILL. You paid her, lied about it, and now you're even more disgusting than before. Fucking weasel.


Can't tell if pretending to be a retard for the sake of argument

That was the whole argument you came in with.
"You spent money on the interview". No I did not. Youre full of shit.

And since we started with insults, only a fucking retard would 3 months after quitting a game chase tweets and posts of people mentioning the game just to shit on it. 😂
You lost 57 000 USD because you were an idiot, deal with it.


I know youre a brain dead idiot, youve proven that by chasing me around just to try and convince me Splinterlands is shit, lol, but try and exercise this thought...
Thinking is obviously a hard thing for you do to, but could it be that in fact Aggroed is the one that paid her? (Im not saying he did, but could that be the case?)

Splinterlands rules, Axie sucks ballz. Have fun. hahahaha

lmao you even proved it now, you truly are a joke

You have nothing else to say once I pointed out your idiocy and now you resort to insults, "because I insulted you first". How old are you? 6?

Sad to see it has come to this but there is no way to convince someone who's ready to disregard all that is wrong with a topic of discussion because he has vested interest in it. Listen, I love both Hive and Axie but I'm not as morally bankrupt as you to be ready to blatantly lie about them (and will always point out the negatives) to make them look like something they're not. Which is what you're constantly doing for SL for the sake of pumping your own bags.

You don't have an ounce of honesty in you Buttercup. Typical Balkan mentality. You're a disgrace.

You're truly disgusting and I'm ashamed to be living in the same country as you.

You're truly disgusting and I'm ashamed to be living in the same country as you.

Ti si poremecen majke mi. 😂
Uvatia se srat o Splinterlandsu. Daj me ostavi na miru. Eno ti Aggroed tamo pa seri njemu, imas discord njihov. Sta si me se uvatia jebote. haha. Boli me kurac sta mislis o SL niti ces me uvjerit u svoje pizdarije.

Igraj tamo Axie, Ja cu SL, i odjebi sinko.
Na sta necu naletit ode.

Splinterlands ne valja, reeeeeeeeeee

😂 Adje glupane.

(Im not saying he did, but could that be the case?

btw this is even worse. You're taking cred for what? Connecting them two together? Lame

Its worse? So if i set up an interview for Aggroed and I pay its HORRIBLEEEEE, but if I didnt pay, its even worse?

I cant do good by you, can I?

Bolje ti je da zacepis gubicu jer cu ti kicmu slomit ako te ikad vidim, jazavcino tovarska.

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Hahaha. Sad smo poceli sa prijetnjama.
Samo kazi mjesto i vrijeme. Zaletim se i do ZGa ako treba. Malo da ti usi izvucem.
Idiota majko mila. 😂

Ja neznam sta ti se desilo ali sinko probia si. @runicar.

You're running on my nerves with your dishonesty and I'm not going to take shit from you Buttercup.

Im sorry you think im dishonest but i really like SL.

I'm not going to take shit from you Buttercup.

Youre the one commenting on my tweets and posts with bullshit allegations.