Is Binance Going To Be The Next Mt. Gox?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

There has been a lot of fud surrounding Binance lately which got me thinking.

Is Binance going to be the next big centralized exchange that goes bust?


What are the chances that CZ ran the company so poorly that it's on the brink of collapsing? Has he and his army of trading bots mismanaged both company and client funds, to the point that they may go under? Was he caught on the wrong side of the trade with investor funds? Or could it just be a case of regulators tightening their belt around Binance enough to dismantle its userbase, halve its income and put an immense financial burden on its books?

These are all questions Binance users should be asking themselves right now.

Let's look into some of the recent FUD and decide for ourselves is it just unbiased FUD perpetrated to make us sell at a loss before the next leg up, or is it justified cause for significant concern.


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In short, after the recent dump that evaporated half of the entire crypto market cap in a matter of days, Binance was forced to implement a liquidation fee for trading on margin and crypto loans. Indicative of substantial pressure building up on their balance sheet, and although they keep flaunting that their Insurance Fund is stronger than ever - can we really trust their numbers?


If their Insurance Fund was intact, and didn't take a considerable blow during the downturn, then there is little reason to implement such vulturous liquidation fees. After all, we're talking about an exchange that has pulled 14 billion dollars in trading volume during the last 24h and it's currently sitting at the numero uno spot across all exchanges based on trading volume. Therefore, we can conclude that if they have to start charging a lot more for the same service, something is off.

The numbers are off, and something is not adding up.

Judging by the exorbitant fee they've imposed for liquidations and crypto loans, they are really short on cash. Seems like they need a lot of money to cover the expenses they've amounted. The exact reason as to why Binance is in the gutter and exactly how many unpaid expenses they have to take care of is unclear.

It could be regulation compliance, predatory expansion to other countries, legal expenses, development, or something else all entirely. We'll probably never find out unless they really go under and have to disclose why.


This came in just two days ago and it's addressed to Binance, coming from Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) — a regulatory body for financial services, firms, and financial markets in the UK. Even though some misinterpreted that it's going to result in a trading ban in the UK, for now, what it boils down to is that UK customers won't be able to deposit to Binance before they get their licenses sorted out.

We've seen similar moves from Ontario (Canada) and Japan, with their regulatory bodies issuing statements and accusations akin to the letter Binance received from UK's FCA.


While Binance's Ontario users were straight-up banned from using the exchange as a result, Japan was a little lighter on the gas pedal, only issuing a warning without a cease and decist order.

Now it seems like we're just waiting for the European Union to pull the trigger.

Observing these regulatory attacks on the biggest crypto exchange in the world is worrisome to say the least, especially when you've got capital on the exchange. But even if you don't hold any crypto on Binance, if it goes under by bankruptcy, hack, or any other way for that matter, spells disaster for the entire crypto sphere.

How bad would it be?

No one can say for sure, but judging by Binance's sheer size and influence on the market, this would be catastrophic. Immediately starting another multi-year bear market kind of catastrophic. Obviously, none of us would like to see something like this play out, and while we can't possibly know if it will happen or not, is it even worth the risk?

I'm in the process of taking most of the funds I hodl on Binance into a cold wallet because the risk is heavily outweighing the benefits. Like most traders recently, I've also lost a big chunk of my portfolio in the dip, and I sure as hell can't afford to lose the rest of it.

Better be safe than sorry guys!

Move your coins of Binance, transfer them to a safer place and take care of your funds because they might vanish overnight as we've seen in way too many cases before.

Stay safe out there fam!


Sucks to think about it but what would happen to all the defi projects that rely on BSC, wouldn't that spell even more disaster for them?

I was wondering that too. Especially as CubFinance is on there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nah, I don't think they can shut down BSC no matter how centralized it currently is.

Meaning that BSC projects would be unaffected.

It could be in the making. We need to keep pushing for more money spread out further on different exchanges. Binance going down would seriously hurt the activity in the East.

We will see what happens. It would show people how keeping money on exchanges is not a safe thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We must collectively transition from CEX's to DEX's asap because as it seems, most CeX's are just ticking time-bombs that can go off at any point in time.

How should it happen? Do they play the counter position of futures and leverage trading? Would be the most retarded they could do.

If they sell/ hedge the position, it is a save game backed by fees.

So it could be fud or binance scams. But I would think it's safu.

Simple because they should be very profitable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's unknown.

Binance can always scam but the question is how bad would their finances have to be that it's worth scamming considering how large the business is and the insane market share they've got?

It's 100% Fud for me.

They make simply too much money out of fees.

Tether is something I would see it not impossible, but it same fee game. If they back the cash in some way and it's not air, they should make also enough out of fees. If not, yeah :P

Canada ban is showing once again how communist the country is. I doubt that Binance will be the next Mt Gox. On top of that very relevant to this situation is the fact that it's locationless.

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We can only hope it doesn't turn into a Mt.Gox cuz if it does, the entire crypto sphere will suffer greatly as a result.

These are all questions Binance users should be asking themselves right now

Oh dear. I've just put a couple of limit orders on Binance. I finally went ahead because I wanted somewhere where I can trade Hive.

what it boils down to is that UK customers won't be able to deposit to Binance before they get their licenses sorted out.

Maybe I should take my UK pounds back before I spedn them. I'll have to see what else gets written about this. Not an ideal time for me as I'm going away on retreat tomorrow! 😱

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can simply open a MetaMask wallet and transfer funds there. It doesn't take much longer than a couple of minutes to set up and transfer.

Just quickly checking in to say thanks for the additional information. No more time to do more than that right now. But useful to know I can use Metamask.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm in the process of doing just that - pulling my funds out!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right on!

This is not the best news to read and it worries me a lot to be honest. We have to wait and see what is going to happen, but the 'safu' feeling is goine for now. Lucky I don't have any funds on binance now. But I do wonder how it would effect CubFinance for example, if this would take a turn for the worst.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This wouldn't have much of an effect on CubFinance as they wouldn't be able to shut down BSC.

I've never liked big exchanges in all fairness. It's just centralisation all over again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, it's exactly what we've been ideologically opposing from the getgo.

When rats leave the ship it is because it is about to sink, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello 👋 @runicar,

Nice article and summary of the Binance situation.

I do not know if most of the FUD is worthy of attention but I will pay attention anyway and might also lower my exposure to this CEX.

If there was to be an issue, this would be terrible for the crypto markets imho.

Binance is supposed to be one of the strongest and most inn’ovative exchange out there

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey my man!

I'd be more willing to place this in the FUD bin, rather than something we should be tripping out about but either way, it's a good idea to lower exposure to CEX's which are infamous for compromising user funds.

Why can't people simply forget about all this rebel decentralization nonsense and conform to galactic credit standards by using imperial credits? Peace and security outweigh the moon.

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