The Play to Earn part of the crypto sphere is growing massively and it completely slipped under my radar. Axie infinity, the most popular P2E NFT crypto game to date is picking up so much steam lately that their servers have a hard time handling this constant influx of new players resulting in heavy lags and occasional inability to enter a match.
Why are so many people interested in crypto gaming all of a sudden?
Well, to be quite honest, it's mostly because you can earn good money by playing.
Until the recent dump, players were earning anywhere from 500 to 10000 dollars a month and some possibly even more than that. Even after the in-game token declined in price by more than 60%, players are still earning a notable sum of money for doing what they usually do for free.
There is even this case of a player buying two houses in the Philippines from profits earned by playing.
Absolutely fucking insane and I missed every single bit of it.
But nevermind.
Axie has my full attention now.
As we all know, this bull market is not finished yet far from it, meaning that Axie's in-game token SLP still has a lot of room to grow so the exorbitant profits shall return.
It's not a matter of if but when.
This time around, I'll be grinding.
Take into consideration that average players can earn up to 200 tokens per day while the top players earn around 700 per day up to a maximum theoretical limit of around 1.5k SLP DAILY!
At current price of 13c this is around 800 bucks for the average Joe and 2700 for top players.
Non-financial advice as always broskis, but it might be wise to pick up a few Axies before this SLP starts moving again because when it soars in price, so does the cost of entry which is having 3 Axies in your digital wallet in order to be able to play.
Oh and before I log off, did I mention you can breed your Axies to create new Axies, which is a craft when skillfully applied results in Axies that sell for 300-1000 dollares per pop.
Won't go into more detail here as this was post was just meant to be a teaser.
I've got big plans for Axie Infinity but I won't spill my beans yet.
Keep an eye out for my future posts if you want to earn your right to put (as a millionaire) in the title of your articles, by simply playing a game.
This is my first time hearing about it. Unfortunately, it's a little pricey to start
How interesting! This is the first time I read information like this. I'm not a game lover, but it's always good to find out about these things. Thank you very much for your preview.