If we don't do something about this now Hive is going to fail!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Hive's SEO is garbage and it hasn't improved much since I first wrote about it back in April 2020. Being a digital construct in the age of information where attention is one of the most valuable metrics, not being able to capture it will Myspace even the most revolutionary platfroms/projects/games/businesses. As wonderful as Hive is, it will never reach its full potential without getting the necessary amount of eyeballs.


Without a constant stream of new visitors, all other efforts will be futile.

No matter how many dapps, games, interfaces, second layers we build, none of this will matter if Hive itself isn't pulling in the right amount of clicks and capturing that attention.

If we can't get organic views and we aren't paying for ad-space across the interwebs, how are people going to find out about this place?

We want Hive to reach the masses but they literally can barely find it while direct searching for "Hive" or "Hive blockchain". Instead of being the first result, Hive is ranked at the bottom of the first page of Google search engine result page (SERP) when searching for "Hive". This is definitely not a good place to be if we want to be pulling in a substantial amount of organic views.


Even worse, when searching "Hive blockchain", Hive.io shows up at the 3rd page which only an estimated 10% of people visit.

"Hive crypto" is our only glimmer of hope but not even with this specific keyword can Hive manage to rank 1st.

This is beyond humiliating.

Leaking organic traffic directly searching for Hive could postpone it gaining traction for years one end.

Before this issue is tackled and resolved, Hive is going to have major issues in acquiring new users.

If we don't fix it, this hole will sink our leaky ship.

Instead of being the most used blockchain out there, Hive is quickly falling off the leaderboards being replaced by new, shiny, attention-grabbing, projects.


When most attention is concentrated on the first 3 results of the 1st page, not ranking at the top can lead to the demise of any attempt of success in the age of 3s average attention span.

Losing eyeballs to other websites ranking for the same keywords is evidently causing Hive to stall behind in progress (user acquisition-wise) and if continued, this is going to siphon a lot of value from Hive's native token.

Especially now during a raging bull market when crazy amounts of new people are rushing into crypto every day. Imagine how many of them would find Hive to be a great kickstart of their crypto journey as it's literally the single best place to learn about crypto and even earn it. The best thing about Hive is that users don't even need to invest anything but their time and intellectual energy, making it ideal even for those still skeptical about crypto.

While the entire crypto sector is booming and the views every major project gets keep skyrocketing, Hive is stagnating.


Well, mostly because of how poorly it ranks on search engines.

Why does it rank so poorly though?

Because its SEO is out of whack.

Can we do something about it?

Of course, we can!

In fact, every single content creator can make a huge difference.

The good thing about SEO is that we can fix it for free.

The bad thing about SEO it's not easy, it requires a lot of effort and entails content creators to adopt a certain set of principles to go by when writing articles. It takes a lot of time to build up trust and credibility with search engines so this isn't a process that happens overnight. If we want to make a difference we will have to change the way we style/write our articles forever.

Every single one of our posts can make a world of difference (if properly pimped by the SEO guidelines) when all of our creations are added up as each one helps Hive rank a little better. That's why Steemit ranks so highly. Years of valuable content which end users actually search for and find on Steemy, greatly boosted it's ranking and credibility with search engines.

Steemy SEO is the single most valuable thing Sun stole from our community when he acquired and destroyed Steemy.

Years of our collective effort to produce captivating content that brings in the views which translate into strong rankings and a wealth of FREE, organic traffic. Years of building backlinks in hundreds of articles written about Steem and posted on other trustworthy websites. Years of trust, credibility, and rapport with browsers STOLEN by a disturbed manchild.

Years of effort taken away from us which we will never get back.

We were forced to start fresh.

And like all beginnings, we are starting from the bottom.

New website, 0 credibility, 0 trust, 0 content, 0 backlinks, 0 SEO.

One big fat 0 across all metrics used to determine site positioning on SERP's.

Like trying to find a 2 cent post on the trending page, Hive is hidden in a sea of other websites ranking for the same exact keywords.

Devastating position to be in after spending so many years to get to the top.

Although this issue could have easily been avoided by picking a less crowded keyword to rank for than Hive, what is done is done. We won't change our branding now. We have to make it work with what we got and we need to start immediately! The bull run is in full swing and the amount of attention the entire crypto space is getting is exploding.


We need to do something about this straight away if we want to capture any amount of value (new users) this bull market is naturally going to throw our way.

Handing over views to other websites will turn out to be as expensive as lighting cigarettes with dollar bills while smoking a hundred packs a day.

I'm no SEO expert but from what I've skimmed through on it, there is a lot we can do as content creators to help rank Hive a lot better.

As a matter of fact, if we get enough users to participate in the effort to make their content more SEO-friendly, this entire hardship might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

If we collectively work on this, start pumping out specific content which search engines love and end-users actually search for, I bet we can make a huge impact on how well Hive ranks.

I have not yet devised a plan on how to actually go about achieving this as I've still got a lot of reading up to do to fill up my SEO knowledge-gap but I'm working on this as you are reading this article.

What I can already tell you is that we are definitely going to have ourselves a contest and we need to make it a big one in order to have a noteworthy impact.

What I need from you though is to help me find some Hive SEO experts to connect with. I need their insight to come up with a bulletproof plan to achieve this. If you know someone that fits the description, please let him know my DM's are always open.

I'll take some time now to research the topic, connect with the right people and figure out how to go about this.

To be continued...


I'm glad to see more people talking about SEO and how optimized content can- and will make a huge difference for our success. I have ranked this article, for that specific keyword:

I have also written and published a seo mini-series previously which you can find here:

This is only the beginning of the things I am doing for Hive & LeoFinance specifically, but I was eager to start somewhere, and that is what I've been doing lately. I focus on optimized content and rankings to increase our organic traffic. I'm sure that will lead to natural growth with time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yo @hitmeasap I was just going through these posts, they are awesome! Thanks for your valuable insights.

I'll have to do a lot more digging to get to the bottom of this before I can figure out how to wrap this into a contest to get as many people adopting techniques to help rank their posts higher.

If done on a large scale, I think this can greatly aid in resolving Hive's current poor ranking.

If you are up for it I'll hit you up when I'm ready to get your thoughts on how we can make this happen.

Another issue is that we don't even have a single URL to work on.

All our SEO work in this community is building the leofinance.io domain, rather than hive.blog.

I'm interested in your thinking around which domain we should be working on when it comes to branded searches like 'hive' and 'hive crypto'?

Also where you see the leofinance.io domain fitting into this?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having so many different interfaces is just stacking problems one on top of another but there is a way around it.

The only reasonable thing I can think of is to focus our attention on getting hive.io to rank better thus promoting all other dapps and interfaces

Not leofinance, not hive.blog, nor peakd, or any other interface for that matter, as all of them and much more, can be found on hive.io under the ecosystem tab.

Don't get me wrong, I love leofinance and peakd while hive.blog is my least favorite interface but promoting hive.io is in my opinion, the only legit way of going about this because by doing so we are promoting not only interfaces but also all other projects built on top of hive while allowing users to decide for themselves which interface they want to use.

What do you think?

So much truth said

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ok so with all that being said watch the price this year and come back and explain it. My guess is you wont be able too.

Do you really think I'd hodl 55k hive and buy more than 30k this year alone, if I didn't believe it will succeed?

I thought people understood the concept of clickbait after so many years....

your post is pointless then.

That doesn't even make any sense ser.

How does the over-exaggerated, clickbaity, title make the entire article pointless?

Also I can explain the price increase before it happens. Pure and utter specilation.

I'll even give you something extra too.

When Hive pumps, 80% of the volume will come from Korean exchanges.

Nice 32% improvement in our SEO overnight ;)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HOW. We all know the what and why. Tell the content creators what to do instead.

Have you not read the entire article?

I've still got a lot of reading up to do to fill up my SEO knowledge-gap but I'm working on this as you are reading this article.

I'll create how to's and guidelines as soon as I get up to speed with everything that goes into SEO.

I think during the bull run is a dangerous thing to have a bigger flow of people. If they get interested and invest then the bear market comes they probably feel phished in some kind of scheme.

Your proposal are very nice other then this Imho.

No one is putting a gun on their head saying they gotta invest. If they buy the top or close to the top they've played themselves and the blame is on them, not on us for showing them how cool hive is.

Yeah I know but most the people know very little about prices of stocks and money let alone cryptocurrency. One has to understand before if not they gonna get burned and not come back for something unrelated

The best way to learn is by making mistakes.

Hive isnt going to fail, not even close.

Step back and view what is taking place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know kek. You don't need to tell me about it. My conviction for hive has never been stronger.

Wasn't it an obvious enough clickbait?

Yes this is a good point and it's something that @hitmeasap has been writing about recently:


Thanks! Will check it out.

It all starts with a unique name, which Hive is not. Unfortunately, Leo is even worse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, whoever chose the name unintentionally fucked us over big time.

Some people (me included) were warning about this from the start but without a result.

we should not stop warning them,because it affects us all if hive fails....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@oldtimer i guess the team behind the HIVE blockchain do not understand the importance of the SEO or they actually know it but they just chose to ignore the facts....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

10% site 3? no way. Close to nobody looks there :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll wait for your future post on How to change it !

I'm probably one of those that doesn't make things in the best way. I often juste write what I want to say and it's done. Maybe that making it in a way to have a better position on Search engines would also give me better resuls with user already on the platform !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you have those guidelines ready for the SEO we should all share it to the max. It least I will with my small bubble.

I do agree...it needs to be under the 'HIVE' wing for the name and people to recognize, and not under one of the other interfaces because this is way too difficult for people to understand

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta