FED Printed So Many Fresh Dollars It Had To Stop Counting!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Without being overly political, anyone in their right mind can see that Corona opened up the doors to severe monetary rape at the expense of the working class going in favor, as per usual, of the elite, the ruling class, their cronies, and acquaintances.

The means by which the majority of the wealth transfer is done through is the Cuantillon effect.

In short, Cantillon effect says that money printer goes BRRRR and the first ones to get the capital and be able to spend it before it starts having a negative impact on the economy (inflation/hyperinflation) are the said elites and their friends.

Ever since the world shut down as a response to a flue-like virus, each and every central bank started (with no stopping in site) printing unprecedented amounts of cash in order to "attempt to salvage a crashing economy". While something along these lines is always the answer when asking them about the incredible creation of new fiat currency, it's evident that's not the case.

The real reason that they are printing up so much is not to help us, the working class, it's to enrich themselves at our collective expense through a ghost tax (inflation) most normies don't even know about, let alone understand.

Out of all the trillions the FED printed in the last two years, most of that money went to their cronies at big corps and while the everyday Joe is still waiting for his stimmy to come in the mail, companies and corporations have already been intravenously administered a fresh dose of "free money".

These stimulus checks that are meant to help the majority of people affected (working class) represent only as a spec of dust in an 10 000 sqft abandoned house where all the other dust is all of the stimulus bills so far. To be quite frank about it, it's robbery in broad daylight and in a way, shush money for plebs. Not enough to live off, or buy anything meaningful but just enough to shut them up and prevent them from complaining about all the billions big corps got while they are unable to make ends meet.


Some few months back, because they were printing at such a rampant pace, FED decided to completely discontinue reporting the monetary supply figures. Most likely in order to obfuscate the fact that they are to blame for the debasement of their national currency. Faced with severe backlash from the investor community, FED had no other choice than to start reporting a modified version of the money supply, just this time they decided to report only on a monthly basis instead of the usual one update per week.

This is bad on so many levels.

Not only do they continually baselessly refute the fact that printing money into existence is devaluing their currency, but now they want to keep obfuscating the sheer magnitude of monetary debasement they are creating.

While they keep saying stuff like: "there is no inflation.", "the inflation is transitory" commodity prices such as lumber, steel, copper, zinc, and others, have been going through the roof.


Yet they will keep cheering on that there is no inflation and that if there is any inflation, guys don't worry about it, it's transitory. What a load of bullshit. We're all aware that the inflation isn't transitory and that its effects on the economy will only start worsening as the US, and the rest of the world opens up for business once again by lifting all lockdowns.

If the FED continues inflating the USD at such a rapid pace, this won't end well for the dollar nor for any other currenciy that depends on a strong dollar.

Think Zimbabwe and Venezuela, but worldwide.


Prepare for some tough times ahead because it looks like there is no end to this madness in sight.


In Venezuela exactly what you are beginning to see is happening, the accelerated printing of money and the clear intention to hide the figures are alarming signs of the worst, but I know and I am convinced that nothing they do is going to make the economy grow indefinitely, their days are numbered and very soon they are going to be forgotten and destroyed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's very alarming indeed. Are you from Venezuela?

Yes i am.

I'm very interested to find out more about whats going on in your country and what you are going through both individually and as a country.

Would you be willing to talk about it in more detail over on discord?

Hit me up Runicar#1726

Well, that's fine.

But it is important to say that there are people in a much worse situation than mine, although I have shortages there are people who do not have food for the day.

Fed money printer go brrrrr