
Put together some adult mac n cheese for lunch! Broccoli n veggies weenies, that sorta thing :D

Nice nice man! I'm cooking, but getting really hungry reading this. I'm lucky my food is nearly done so I can dive in! #picsoritdidnthappen Jordy!

I definitely responded to this with a pic, guessing UI weirdness??

If you get two pics, you get two pics!

Currently making #Nasi Gurih. Which is basically basmati rice boiled in coconut milk, lime leaves, and lemongrass. Super tasty!

What are you guys cooking?

Making some green beans with chili, red onion and garlic. And lets boil up some $eggs on the side as well.

Lol, the camera on my phone is so garbage. But it will do for now.

Oh yeeeeeah... quick snap before diving in :P
Decided to infuse the green beans with peanutbutter and coconutmilk.

Oh yeeeeeah... quick snap before diving in :P
Decided to infuse the green beans with peanutbutter and coconutmilk.