There really is a lot of potential in tiktok, I've been seeing it for a long time but I haven't had the opportunity to focus there. But it is necessary to seize the opportunity on tiktok.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There really is a lot of potential in tiktok, I've been seeing it for a long time but I haven't had the opportunity to focus there. But it is necessary to seize the opportunity on tiktok.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's not for me as a content creator. I'm too old. But crypto tik tok is really something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't know how old you are, but there are people of all ages there. I'm a little old too, but I'm planning to start creating content there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of all ages!
At my old age of 24, I am still relevant in a sea of Gen Z'ers lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We are not far from Gen Z. LOL
What matters is not how old we are, but how old we feel. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It has amazing potential. We all need to work on bringing more outside awareness to Hive and LeoFinance. This is the way
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm planning for this. I will be actively working there soon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta