Goldman Sachs stated that they plan to offer their customers the first investment tool for Bitcoin and other digital assets in a short time.

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According to the news of CNBC; While the bank offered investment services in the developing assets class in the second quarter, It plans to serve its customers in a wide spectrum of assets, including Bitcoin and other digital assets.
Mary Rich, who has been appointed as the global head of digital assets in private wealth management division of Goldman Sachs, stated that "Bitcoin investment fund offered by Goldman Sachs will resemble the fund Morgan Stanley is planning to implement". She also said "it will be a system similar to the system of investing in 7-24 traded asset classes".
For Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the last week of March was a critical date. Normally there was an expectation of a decrease, but positive news prevented the decline. Positive news from Paypal, Microsoft, Visa and Goldman Sachs set the expectation for a rise this month. Bitcoin rose to the $ 60,000 limit during the day, then regressed a little. It is currently trading at $ 58,500.
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