Splinterlands Rentals-- Is this Financially Wise?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


Does Renting Make you Money in Splinterlands?

So you may be wondering what kind of a post is this--are we the landlords (renting the cards) or are we the renters? I think we can safely assess that if you want to be a landlord and rent out your cards, you're clearly going to get money for it. Now, whether or not your investment pays off for you is another matter altogether which depends upon what you purchased it for and how long you're staying in this game.

What I'm more fascinated about since I'm a novice player, is the value of me renting cards right now since I have so little, and I'm so new to the game. So let's discuss whether or not you can actually move out of that shack of a house and into a mansion if you rent some cards.

I decided I wanted to see if renting cards would be a WIN for me or if the amount I had to spend in DEC would be lost to those rentals. In my test, I decided to be very conservative in my choices. I won't tell you my strategy, because honestly, you'll want to find the splinter that you are most comfortable with, and if you find you were winning with those cards in the lower leagues and they gain considerable power with higher levels, well, go see about renting those cards.

Market Value on Rentals Will Increase So Timing is Everything!

If you're goal is to rent some cards for the season, then as you can imagine, the closer you get to the season, the DEC you will need to spend to then get those cards. Therefore, the first bit of advice is to go at this in the middle of the season or possibly even the beginning, but you will spend more DEC and therefore need to win more to get further along after that point.

So what I did was I rented several level 3 and 4 cards. I only rented them for ONE DAY guys, and I spent less than 150 DEC doing that! I didn't rent the most amazing cards, I just chose the cards I've really enjoyed playing in the lower levels. This raised me up to get to the next level games and try to make it to gold league.

Everything's Golden!

Now, I'm not at gold yet, but I am getting closer because of these cards! I have 24 hours to get to gold, and since I KNOW the hands I want to play, I'm just sticking with those cards. If I get a specific splinter request where I can't play those cards, I can just surrender the game and move on and get as far enough advanced as I can to then make back my money for being in that higher league.

What About My Investment?

Well guys, here's the BEST BIT OF ALL. Listen, I'm not very financially technical, so I hope you can forgive me with that. I'm much more just a very basic girl that wants to show you ANYONE can play this and you don't have to be a wiz at stocks, and you don't have to be a pro-crypto finance person. You just need to know basic math to see if you get your initial investment back. So, have I earned back my 150 DEC? Ummmmm.. folks, I did that in just a few hours! LIKE YIPPPPEE!!

Here's Your One Chance, Fancy!

So, if you know me, you know one of MY FAVORITE things to do is stand on tables or stages or bars, parties or otherwise and belt out an AMAZING show stopper song. HA HA! Yep... I'm that crazy girl yo bring to the party so you can have a good laugh and not have to stress if your hair is brushed properly because odds are, you're too busy cracking up at what a fool I can make myself in the moment of it (and I do this totally sober folks. I don't need to get gussied up for a good time! HA HA!) Anyways, "we lived in a one-room run-down shack on the outskirts of New Orleans." Now if you can name that song folks, just maybe I'll sing it to you. HAHAHA :)

Yes, yes, I've moved out of the bronze shack and I'm now living large in Silver Apartments! I'm gonna get me a Georgia mansion and an elegant New York townhouse flat" and live the wins of a Splinterlands Crypto life! HAHA!!!

So I hope you've found this blog both entertaining and helpful, because you WILL get our money back from those rentals if you play your cards right (GET IT! HEE HEE) And just remember this is just my thoughts and definitely not an solid finance advice or something. It's just an observation that you CAN make money in Splinterlands and do quite well as just a new little player, just like me. Yipppee!! So good luck, cowboys and cowgirls! I can't wait to hear about your results with rentals (and is ANYONE going to know this song I've quoted? HA HA!)

If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rosiew


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love this game so much. I have never rented a card because I have nearly all of the cards myself. But the card leasing is a great form of passive income for me.

Oh that's awesome, Shaidon! Yes, I wish I had joined years ago when they started, but I'll just have the perspective from one who came into the game later and whether or not it's profitable for the new guy! HAHA! :) Seems to be so far! ;) Thanks so much for commenting! :)

There's some really great deals for renting going on right now. I'm still trying to calculate it all but also you earn SPS tokens for any cards you rent which can seriously add up as well.

OHHHH well that's a GREAT point, isn't it? You are EARNING even though you had to spend a little. You earn SOO much more when you can rent up your cards. Thank you so much!!

Getting some cheap cards in mid-season is a great advise!

YAY! Thank you so much!! :)

Shhhh don't tell everyone. But yeah you're right. With DEC prices so high rentals have never looked so appealing. And sure you are paying more for a rental. It's just you get more DEC in return.

YESS! :) Let's keep it a secret! ;) You think anyone is ACTUALLY reading these posts? (Giggling)

I have cards for rent but 0.1 DEC /day is way too low.. still not profitable... plus power is reduced

Do you have a guild yet?
We are looking for blogging splinterlands players!
Hop on the discord of @acolytesofhelio our sister guild has an opening!

Oh thank you! I was invited to another guild as well, so let me see if I can find your discord and see which is a better fit. Thank you so much!

I'm so sorry I've spent ages trying to find your Discord Server. Is there a way for you to post the link? Thank you!






@rosiew, you've been given LUV from @solymi.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/4)

YAY! Thank you so much!!!

@rosiew! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Have you voted for Pizza teams Hive witness (pizza.witness)? (1/10)

It depends on which cards you rent. I check every day the rental market and usually I can find 2 or 3 very good deals.

Thank you so much, Ojamajo! I think you're right that it's good to check the rental market quite often because random cards will suddenly be SOOO CHEAP if you just catch it at that right time!! :) Thank you so much for reading and commenting!! :)

The rental market has definitely helped me as a new player not only rank up but learn how to play at a quicker rate as I use new cards and learn new match ups. AND earn at a more rapid pace ;)

Thank you for your advice in renting cards.