Correlation between crypto and the Nasdaq

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Take a look at this chart:


The big money guys on Wall Street have decided that crypto is "tech" and their proprietary desks trade it like tech.

With hindsight, when people saw the Wall Street carnage last Friday, they should have used the weekend to front-run them and sell before Wall Street got back to their desks on Monday - one of crypto's big advantages is that it trades on the weekend.

Sadly this Nasdaq correlation will continue till some big money fund realizes crypto is currency not tech.


I think the big financial institutions are focused on risk. And they are not wrong that crypto is risky.

Who are the "big money guys"?🤔

The Wall Street institutions - they all have trading desks where they trade crypto for their employers. That's why the crashes are happening on weekdays when they are at work and not weekends when they are not.

Thanks, I'll research more on the wall street.