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RE: Centralized Social Media: Making People Ignorant

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This issue is something that is guiding the evolution of humanity at this point in time. It does not seem important but we are changing without even realizing how these platforms and the unilateral flow information pattern they control has changed us. It is always healthy to listen to and understand counterarguments. It is not at all healthy to not balance arguments and cease the natural evolution of society. Censorless media might atleast recalibrate that balance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is certainly a step in the process. We need to have the ability to see information flow freely so people can access it and decide for themselves.

To have the situation any other way is unhealthy. We are seeing this start to take over the world right now.

People do not realize how serious this all is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta