How Not To Get Scammed on GumTree

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I thought long and hard about writing this post, because I feel like an utter idiot - it's embarrassing, and I feel really, really sick that it happened. I actually worry that you'll think I'm a loser, or a total f**kwit for being conned - because I've never fallen for any scam before, and I'm super savvy with these kind of things. But, if I don't write, the scammer wins. If I can stop someone else being Gumtree scammed, then overcoming my shame and embarrassment is worth it, right? Gah. Imagine how people feel when they lose their entire life savings?

So, here goes. This morning I was scammed on Gumtree. The amount doesn't matter, and I can afford to lose it, I suppose, and when all's said and done, it's only money, right? Right?

Luckily, I saw it for a scam before he robbed any more from us.

The thing is, all my instincts were saying 'it's a scam' and I did flag it for one. Somehow, my self doubt got the better of me, and in the rush of this morning, I let my husband win out against my better judgement.

I can see why he got scammed. He's been desperate to find new old Defender doors for weeks now, because the ones we have are a bit rusty and hella hard to fix. But to buy them from a scrapyard here? We've been quoted 6K bucks. That's a LOT Of money. A depressing amount of money. It seemed to us that second hand doors shouldn't cost that much, and surely someone had them lying around, being useless, and would part with them for much less than that? That's how it works, most of the time, with car parts. Big companies rip you off, backyard mechanics and salt of the earth types let you have things for what they're actually worth.

So when a guy responded to our 'wanted to buy' ad, our plan seemed to have worked. There is a lot of nice people in the world, after all.

We sent him the money, he was going to send it via TNT. He even sent us his licence. Gave us his bank account details. It really did seem legit.

There were something really bugging me though - I wanted to send the money via Paypal, and the price seemed a bit too good to be true. But I was in the shower, and Jamie was calling through the screendoor at me, and he was on the phone to the guy and in a hurry, and -

  • we parted with our money.

Next thing, an hour later, he's ringing the hubs at work, asking for more freight, as he misestimated it, and saying he accidentally bounced the money back at us, so could we send more through, so he could pay the freight guy, and the transaction should be back in our account this afternoon?

No. Fucking. Way.

I may be an idiot for parting with the funds in the first place, but there was no way I was falling for it twice. I said 'sure, as soon as I get the money back, we can sort something out then'. Turns out, you can't scam a scammer - damn. I got quite a few more texts then, saying he wasn't a scammer, and then we couldn't prove it, and then that the doors had been posted and should arrive, and so on and so forth - a lot of rubbish that made no sense.

Goodbye cash.

This gif - literally me.

I called the bank and they did a recall and trace, but because the amount was under 500, it becomes a civil matter - that means it has to be an agreement between us and them. Of course, he was never going to agree to send it back - and I was never going to bother with civil action, because it's not really worth the time and stress. I rang his bank, who kindly put a note on his file 'in case anyone else reports him, but at this stage it's a he said she said'. Oh I know, I said. But still - just in case anyone else files a complaint, you'll be warned. I also filed a report with Scamwatch, which sends the report to Gumtree. Then, I got a message from someone on Gumtree. 'You didn't send money to William Wilson, did you?' came the message. Damn. Turns out he is a known scammer. He has been reported a number of times. Have the police done anything about it? Well, since he has my 'less than 500 bucks', that'll be a no, right?

So, how not to get scammed on Gumtree, a summary?

  • Only send money via Paypal, because it's insured
  • Always use the Gumtree messaging service, not emails or anything else
  • Ask for photos or buy in person
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it absolutely-fucking-is.

And I knew this all before today, and I still got scammed. Me, who's pretty streetwise. Ugh.

Whilst I"m sure he's going to continue and none of my reports will come to any end, I do hope I annoyed him slightly today by reporting him to all the channels I knew. It'll make it harder for him one day.

I'm trying my best to give him credit - whatever he's done, he's really, really good at it. Scammers be scammers for a reason - if you're no good at the blag, you're hardly going to take it up as your day job. Well done, Mr William Wilson, whoever you are. Well played. If you had any other way to earn a living,

I'm sure you would. Wait - no you wouldn't, you're a dishonest lazy prick and I hope a whole pallet of Defender doors lands on your head.

Look at me trying to be zen and failing.

But at least you get to learn from our mistake, right? There's a silver lining to every problem - so long as it's under 500 bucks.

Now, we have sworn never to talk about this again, and the hubs is going to try fixing those doors so it'll feel like we saved over 5,500 bucks, not lost a little less than 500.

And if you can upvote the hell out of this post, maybe we'll at least make up for the day's losses.


Have you ever been scammed?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


it'll feel like we saved over 5,500 bucks, not lost a little less than 500

Quite a story, at some point, you get angry, and then some times, you laugh at yourself. It will heal in a week 😀. I have gone through few like this - I prefer to buy many things offline after those incidences. Quoting a very recent example of buying an AC, the very reputed brand's site quoted me a price with discount, which was 20 % more than the price that a nearby trader offered. Had I not talked to the offline guy, I would have never realized.

@sanjeevm, thanks so much for your kind reply - it made me feel a bit better. I try to balance anger and sadness with laughter - there are definitely more things in life to worry about, right? Right now I want to kill him, but it will pass, and if I tried to hit him, I'd miss and hurt myself, haha.

I do think you are right, for sure! Online can be great but I think ordering from reputable companies is the best way to go.

I prefer to call gumtree "scumtree"

Yeah damn, you're totally right there @holoz0r

So another guy rings, says 'you didn't buy from that guy, did you? He's a scammer.' THEN he proceeds to do the same fucking scam!!!

May they be buttfucked by a cactus all the way to next Tuesday.

Did I just say that? Yes I did!

Have you ever been scammed?

Ha ha, has a pot smoker ever not been scammed at some stage?! :D But sure, foolishly and not long ago either. Am over it now but I totally get your reaction/response, especially when you kind of had misgivings from the very start.

May you find those cheap doors which must surely be waiting somewhere :) 🤗


OH wow, this really made me laugh - and my husband LOVED it!!!! Thankyou so much, you truly made my day, and made me a bit teary for the awesome love on this platform. Mannnnn.... if that was only waiting for me.... !!!!

Sureeelllyyy they are somewhere. Meanwhile, husband is trying his best to repair the shitty ones we have.

Off to read your hyperlinked post..

Okay I"m back - goodness, that sucks balls.

shows me in a gullible and naïve light as well as opens me up to ridicule.

You got it. That's exactly how I felt. But, given I'm not ridiculing you, and you're not ridiculing me (only a little bit, and with kind humour with your image, as in a gentle ribbing kinda way), who actually are the assholes ridiculing? We are funny creatures.

Thanks so much, your post, and comment, and photo, made my day.

Lol, I had to come back and comment because I just had to come back and look at that Landrover again! My own personal Hiverover! I definitely need a HIVE sticker for the 130 when it's done...

Ha ha, delighted with your response(s), thank you 🤗

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But if they know he's a scammer, why is he still on Gum Tree?

I never liked the sound of that platform.

At least it's not too much money, it's the emotional fall out that's worse though I imagine.

Still, you'll forget about that with time.

Thanks mate, needed to hear that. I"m pretty upset and angry right now, but using my tools to monitor that - it's just rising strong in the field of my awareness and will pass lol. Yeah, thing is, he's not officially ON gum tree - he responded to my 'Wanted to Buy' ad.

Ah right, then you just need to be less distracted when you make these decisions, but I think you already know that! At least now!

So do!!!

We vented like anything yesterday and now have sworn to never talk about it every again. I can barely say the word 'door' without getting annoyed lol.

It happens to the best of us ...
And it makes it worst when you already had the niggles, to begin with
Sorry this happened to you... and thank you for putting it out there nevertheless in the event.
I have never heard of gumtree... but now that I have and if I ever... then I know the dos and don't s

I think with any kind of platform, if it sounds too good to be true, or if there's any kind of doubt - don't do it! I wish I hadn't have let the husband bamboozle me this morning - it happened so fast I didn't get chance to use my super wife skills. Now I'm just annoyed at myself for not being stronger. Thanks for your reply sweetheart, I knew Hivers could make me feel better.

Selling our first Van in Melbourne a few years back I almost fell for it. Luckily I hardly trust anyone. A guy from India called me and wanted to buy the Van without even seeing it.

I love Gum Tree but it is definitely one of the biggest scammer platforms

Oh no!!! Yeah, now I've realised that!!! I've bought a few things from it no problem, so I guess it wasn't on my radar. Feeling SO dumb.

Hopefully you'll be back soon!

and furthermore, my girlfriend received "job" offers. A guy asked her if she would like to serve drinks for a nigh. one of the requirements was to do it in lingerie.

we will be back in oz as soon as they open up. hopefully Bali in June after 10 month in germany...what a nightmare :)

Your consumer protection laws down there are horrendous! I was only reading yesterday about the number of people who were struggling to get money back for holidays and flights that had been cancelled and how laws protecting consumers were much stronger in the US and Europe.
The problem with Paypal is NEVER use Friends and family as then you have zero protection so for anyone wanting PP payments, don't let them trick you into FnF.

Theres no lesson to be learned here, no self flagellation. You were robbed and YOU are the victim.

As for the doors, John Craddock have loads of new ones. Get them to drop them on a pallet, get a price from and then thye will arrange to pick them up and ship them out. I'm sure it would be a fraction of AUD$6K you've been quoted.
Best wishes :-)

Thanks mate. It's a bit frustrating. I think there's more protection if it's over 500, but I think the scammer knew that - hence why he was doing it for small amounts. I think we were so keen to solve this door problem it made us a little more blind to the scam. I'll look into that site - we keep finding shipping is pretty pricey on top of the doors, but even if we could knock it down to 4k with shipping we'd be happy. It's a bit depressing! Thanks a lot for your comment though, Hive is cheering me up a little. xx

You're welcome. I use to ship stuff to Thailand where we sell books. They quote online and I get them to pick up at the supplier and then 6 weeks later they arrive here! Not expensive by sea freight. Best wishes and good luck

Thanks mate - check out the cool car pic on one of these comments, hopefully I can pick up one of those and be done with it :P

Fingers crossed.

Either that or we'll do a pikey fix on the current doors and deal with it down the track.

LOL@pikey fix! Yet another word we're not supposed to use in the UK these days! In your case, we'd say you were robbed by a thieving pikey bastard!

PROPER Landie! This is Khan conversion I saw in Kanchanburi! Loads of them here...I wonder whether you could buy some here and ship as its closer?




Aww hun try not to beat yourself up about it. I think when we are under pressure it's so easy to ignore our intuition.

Same thing happened to me when I was looking for a house rental. These scammers are convincing and while in the back of my head I thought it too good to be true, I so desperately needed a place to live. I should have listened when he said bank transfer only. In the UK if you pay any sum by bank transfer the liability becomes yours and the bank can't help.

Thank you for writing this post because there are times when we let our guard down.

Sending you big hugs and hope that the Land rover doors manifest for you soon.

Did you send the transfer? That sucks. I do hope anyone reading this makes a mental note to self: LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!!!

yeah I got swindled out of £600 the bank compensated me £6! it really was a valuable lesson xoxox


Yikes! That beats me! Only once, right?

yes, never again. I haven't used gumtree since either lol xx

Well, sort of. Ordered something and when it came it absolutely was not what I ordered. Places refused to give 100% refund or send label to return crap item. Both told me to pay $20 to return it to China, to get a PARTIAL refund. I resorted to letting the credit card company know, and eventually they reversed the charges. I am in the process of that right now, having gotten ripped off on a Mother's Day present.

But other than that, nope, no completely lost $$ so far....

Bummer you got caught. Sucks about the $500 thing and the fact the bank didn't let you know he'd been flagged multiple times.

No, he was't flagged multiple times - I'm hoping he WILL, though. I dont think it'll make a difference. Scammers always find a way.

I'm more upset about being scammed than the money itself really - it upsets me that people can be such assholes, and that we fell for it!

Glad you had some kind of resolution and you got a present for your Mum in the end anyway, right? That's good news xx

Yup, found one at the estate sale on Saturday, so that part ended well.

I feel your anger and frustration and it is a legit feeling. You got betrayed while trusting. That is the worst to comprehend for our human brains, at least for the ones that still have a moral.

In the end we live in a world were betrayal and scam are constantly surrounding us. It seems like scammers are better off and winning most of the time. Sad truth and makes us lose trust in our fellow humans. Maybe that is why I'm a little stressed about my car issue here as well. I have the feeling you either get ripped off or betrayed when dealing with used cars.

What to do now? Release your anger and frustration, allow yourself to feel it. Remind yourself that you trusted and got betrayed, so you did nothing wrong. I know that it is easy to say.

Scream it out, punch it out...get it out of your system.

I totally keyboard slammed it! I'm feeling better today, though I want to text him abusive words still! Restraining myself and thinking of rainbows and butterflies instead.

Ah no restraining, it's better to let it out otherwise it still keeps working inside. But I can totally understand how you feel...I would be the same. Make a voodoo puppet 😂

Sorry that you were scammed but there is nothing to feel ashamed of. This can happen with any one of us. It's good you have your learnings and you have shared with us also so that we don't end up falling into any similar trap. Don't worry mate, such badass things happen to all of us.

thanks honey, everyone is being so nice to me that I feel so much better!

Some people do bad things out of desperation, and others do bad things because they suck. This guy sounds like he totally sucks. One day, hell learn the meaning of karma.

I hope so - but in my mind, they always get away with stuff lol. As much as I want him to be lacerated with the caress of a cactus, I imagine him drinking champagne with my door money.

I don't like this guy already and may his champagne taste like camel piss (pardon my French).

So sorry to hear about your experience but thanks for sharing it with us.

I was scammed once before when I bought a subscription to some sort of a "arts and culture club". It was supposed to offer discounts and even free stuff on movies, theaters and other stuff related to art and culture for a monthly fee.

Turns out it was a scam and the companies they supposedly had partnered with didn't even know about them. The worst part is that there was a clause on the contract (which I never read because I was young and stupid) that made it VERY hard to get out. I read on internet forums about some people that had been trying to get out for months...

Luckily my dad knew a lawyer that was kind of a big shot and he got me out of that mess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh no! Geez. I've had trouble even quitting free Amazon trials, lol! Theyu do make it hard. I'm glad you got out of it!

Yikes! Scammers are so smart, that's the problem. They know to scam you just the right amount of money so you won't follow up if there's an issue.

Don't kick yourself (or poor Jamie's ass), consider it good deed to charity. Maybe he drank himself to death with the money 🤨

Hahah, always sharp edged, you - hoping he got run over on the way to THIRSTY CAMEL.

That sucks. Thought it was a crypto with an Australian kind of name and then read your story. This can happen to the best of us but it doesn't help for your trust in humanity though.

Big hug!

NO, it slayed my trust - but I believe in people so I dont think I'll be too affected...

That sucks! It happens to the best of us for sure. When we are looking for something like that, it’s sometimes hard to not get into a pickle. I think I would rather drive 6 hours to physically get the stuff myself instead of having someone ship it. Hell I would drive longer depending on the item, the gas would be worth it!

I’ve tried to sell stuff on sites and when it came to exchanging the goods the people ask where I would like to do it. I always tell them the local police station so that everyone involved is protected, I’m not going to rip you off in front of the cops and you won’t rip me off there either. Sadly not a single person has taken me up on that which I find incredibly strange lol. Aren’t we supposed to want these things to be legit?

Thankfully it was less than 500 for you, still painful to part with for stuff like that but not awful. Hopefully they will give him some shit at his bank for being a dick and think twice about him if he asks to do something like a new loan or something.

My sister is marrying a con artist and it’s painful to watch but no one seems to tell her the truth. She won’t listen to her gut so it’s just going along until it hits the wreck stage!

Well, the bank person said that 'well, to be honest, it's he said she said' - ugh. I do hope that little mark on his file DOES give him at least a little bit of grief. Anyway, you're right, it's not much money in grand scheme.

That's crazy about your sister!!!! I guess that all you guys can do is be supportive, as she'll need you when the chips fall where they will.

I'm sorry... it's all right, it'll come back. That person will lose more along the way.... I loved that humor at the end... I laughed a lot at the way you expressed yourself about him.... Blessings.

Oh my gosh the last thing anyone would think is that you are a loser or a f**kwit . Seriously this is a maddening situation for sure and I would want to knock the scammer's block off if I could. I read this post first after getting up today and feeling like shit, but your writing as a pissed off person really gave me some serious chuckles and I thank you for that but I know it's not funny.

I have been scammed as well by people I knew and some that I didn't know. Because of that I managed to avoid a very huge scam that would have devastated us.

Ouch, that absolutely sucks! But yeah, I've been scammed several times..
One time I bought a gift for my boyfriend, he wanted a Philips shaver and they were so expensive (the one he wanted at least). I could not afford a new one at the time as money was very tight.. I found a second hand (almost new) used one on a market site, transferred the money and lost it all. I think it was 50 bucks only, but honestly at the time that was like 10% of my monthly salary, money was super tight back then.
So yeah, that sucked, especially as I could not buy another one for him lol.. oops..

I reported him at the site, also threatened to contact the bank but I already heard for these amounts, save your energy, it's not worth it. So that was that..

Maybe you will be lucky though, if more reported him, you might face him being charged at one point, but that's not something that's helping you right now.. SUCKS!
Hoping a REAL good person comes to your path ;) <3

Ain't been on hive for reading for a bit so figured I'd jump by your blog and see what you've been up to lately. Sucks to see you have been put in the trick bag by a low life. I guess you can take comfort in the fact that for those who live on the sly by hustling honest folks never fair well in the long run. Even if their successful it's temporary. There's something grim about those types of peoples existence to tell the truth. I've been scammed online before as well, and it just left me feeling sorta like some people really know how to screw up their own time here on this planet. Sorry to hear about you being outa pocket matey. That sucks. But as always each stumble is a learning opportunity, and the tips in the post are definitely sound as a pound. :)

Aww, sorry @riverflows. The bright side is the money according to you is something you can afford to lose and not some destabilizing sum. But I'm surprised nothing can be done because of the amount! You can prove your money was gotten dishonestly, if this guy can be easily traced through his bank I don't see why he shouldn't be arrested immediately. Fraud and theft is a criminal offense. Maybe you and other people he scammed can join together and get him arrested too, if something like this was done a long time ago many Victims surely would have been saved.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Sorry @riverflows, I had to upvote this one so everyone can see. Don't worry, I've already taken care of @xiko for you. @xiko, I just sent you $600 via Western Union. The MCTN is 308-657-7654. Receiver is Xiko, sender is Marty McFly. I hope your username is the same one on your passport, otherwise you will have trouble collecting.

Please make our dreams come true my friend!

You didn't send money to xiko, did you? :o

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I am absolutely killing myself laughing @justinparke @xiko - I actually read this one just before bed last night and read it to my hubs. It was a perfect end to a shitty day, and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart. Absolutely priceless.

I must say, this is the first comment I've tipped ever.