Count me in as always! Haven't followed Holozing lately, do claim the rewards occasionally. Getting a proper fun game on hive would be great with simple but solid tokenomics. In the end having a game worth playing is what attracts players and makes any assets or currency tied to it worth anything. I feel too many web3 games are breaking their heads over tokenisation and creating confusing economics and end up with a mediocre or downright shitty game because that's not where the focus lies.
World of Warcraft (although illegal) had a great market with people actually paying real money for leveling and ingame currency and items. Once that sort of AAA games come to web3 and create a fair monetisation policy things can get wild..
Or maybe fun games and real monetary value don't mix because of greed and exploits 😜
Time will tell!
I feel as simplicity is key which points to your point about tokenomics. Personally I think success being possible if one or two were to come to be (1) A fun game (2) Profits for players. Players will flock to either one. Creating something that has both will create some very wealthy people.
I think its likely we see a play2earn centralized game created by one of the already exisiting major gaming companies. I use the term play2earn loosely here as any tiny amount given back in WEB2 gaming will seem like lightening striking to those who are only use to forking over cash. It might be the catapult to WEB2 opening their eyes to the possibilities of WEB3.
Good points and that could very well be what the gaming community needs to wake up to the idea. Lot of resistance from the hardcore gamers it seems