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RE: Is $250 per day actually enough?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

If you're mindful with your spending and don't go big on the lifestyle inflation, I think you'd be able to sustain a small family pretty much anywhere. Still the number will always be personal as everyone has different needs and wants, but if you don't care about "my house/car/wahetever is bigger than yours" 250 will go a very long way!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah you're totally right. I think lifestyle is the most important thing to consider.

It is, but I also understand it isn't always as easy to do. Marketing shoves all these ideas and fancy products in our faces and there's always the social pressure of keeping up with your peers. Thinking for yourself and figuring out what you REALLY need and what makes you happy or helps you forward helps a lot in that regard, or at least that's what I think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta