The one time I've come up against it (I'm guessing it's mainly people in C1 who have this already which I don't get to these days) I got beaten in quite a low mana battle - it was annoying - maxed out, acting just like the Cube with the ability to heal 6 points of damage per round, but with immunity, you can't stun, or afflict, so there's NOTHING you can do.
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I'm still in Gold, with a relative decent deck but no dice cards. This card is a monster with that immunity perk. I need to get it, as it is for life, my favorite color to play. :)
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I like the Life Splinter, this is certainly one of the better valued Dice Legendary cards - I mean you 'only' need 3 to get the main benefits!
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Sometimes cube look too annoying, especially in Earthquake ruleset, when few monster dies, increasing its effective health and it start self heal of 6-8 health. I have no idea how in Champion league people deal with it. For me at level 5, beating a cube with a healer in Earth quake ruleset is almost impossible.
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Affliction or Stun usually deal with the Cube, one of those typically stops it healing, that and sneak just in case they've got a cleanse card to back it up!
Although if it's a slow rule set don't rely on a fast ranged attack to stun it, it'll miss!
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