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RE: $110 USD Worth Of FREE Gamer Assets Are Inside This Post Plus We Have Some CryptoShots EyeCandy On Display

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)


Everything in this post is subject to change. Nothing in this post is investment advice. If you do decide to invest only invest what you can afford to lose and always do your own research. Self upvoted to place near the top of comment page.


3/29/2022: Updated Information/Admendments to post:

The Following:

CryptoShots Current Focus:

  • The CryptoShots team is working on the games 2nd level
  • On April 2nd: Spaceships auction (ie. lands! Passive income!).
  • Auction to partially own the 2 level maps (passive income).

What's coming next:

  • Scholarships (ie. rent out your account),
  • Mobile browsers
  • Second level for game play

Was Changed To

CryptoShots Current Focus:

  • The CryptoShots team is working on the games 2nd level
  • On April 3rd: Spaceships auction (ie. lands! Passive income!).
  • Integrating Hive NFTs (Planned For April)
  • Integrating CryptoShots HIVE Token (Planned For April)

What's coming next:

  • Scholarships (ie. rent out your account)
  • Mobile browsers
  • Second Level Game Play
  • Auction to partially own the 2 level maps (passive income)

Prize list was updated to more accurately show the value and rarity of each prize item. More Eye Candy was added. Keep in mind that USD value of items may fluctuate before prizes are won. As already noted, everything is subject to change without notice.