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RE: FREE Voucher Inside (Splinterlands)

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Option Two

Vouchers will cost $10.01-$15.00 USD on the date of November 7th/2021


Yeah I think about $14

I'm hoping they will be under $10, but I think they will still be close to $15.

Definitely within this price range.

I subscribe to this prediction of voucher prices.

This price range.

I'm assuming it will be around here. Dying inside thinking about the current value of the cards I sold, ugh

The hype seems to be dying down already as voucher is already listed in the $16 range as I write this.

My FOMO is gone because I traded a land plot I bought early for 40 vouchers and 350 SPS meaning in a few more days I'll have gotten my 50 for a cost of $32 and 10 airdropped vouchers. Since land is dipping now, if I can get the funds in time, I'll be able to grab another one and I'll have completed a really good leverage

$13 absolutely @letsjam

$12-$14 feel like where it going to land around that date.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.