Is The Waka Flocka Card Worth Its Price?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Just days ago Splinterlands announced they have partnered with Waka Flocka (Rapper, Recording Artist, and Reality TV Star). This partnership will introduce the Splinterlands community to a new Legendary Death Summoner. The card itself looks amazing and will be equipped with the Poison ability. The Waka card will cost just three MANA to play in battle (this card is going to be a beast). I know exciting stuff but don't get too excited as there is a limit on how many of these cards will be in circulation. No biggie, scarcity is one of the main ingredients to Splinterlands success at creating NFT's that maintain and grow in USD value. On the flip side its that same scarcity that puts a dent in our pocketbook as we all rush to get these limited in supply assets. The amount of these Waka Flocka cards to be available will be 1000 with 50% of them being sold on the official Splinterlands marketplace and the other 50% to be sold for WAX. The Waka Spiritblade NFT will be released for sale at 12pm EST / 17:00 UTC on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 in the Splinterlands store. Lets take a look at the card.


"How Much will this card cost?"

Good question, The Waka card will only be available at MAX Level and like all Splinterland cards Can Not be uncombined. Such a card with a 1000 Limit isn't going to be on the cost efficiency side of things but if you are lucky enough you can get your hands on one of these bad boys for the low price of 5000 SPS + 500 Vouchers. Currently SPS trades near $0.14 USD so 5000 SPS would be equal to $700 USD. Vouchers are currently trading for $2.20 USD each bringing the value of 500 Vouchers to $1100 USD. This brings us to a grand total of the Waka Spiritblade Death Summoner being valued at $1800 USD (Note: SPS/Voucher prices are rounded to the nearest cent).

Is This A Reasonable Cost?

This is a hard one to calculate but one way of predicting the future value of the Waka Spliritblade card is by looking at other Legendary Summoner cards that have similar print rates. Lets take a look at what the numbers say for the lowest priced Legendary cards in each set.

Regular Foil

SetPrice Range*Circulating Supply
Chaos Legion$297219
Promo$12,000- $25,000 (Maxed)83-87

Gold Foil

SetPrice RangeCirculating Supply
Chaos Legion$390481


I excluded the Legendary cards that were not Summoners. I excluded the circulating supply of Summoners that currently are not listed for sale on the official Splinterlands marketplace. The Alpha set had just one Legendary Summoner (Selenia Sky) and at the time of this posts publication there was no Gold Version listed for sale on the official Splinterlands marketplace. Chaos Legion Booster sales is still ongoing. All other sets booster packs have sold out. No Promo gold foils are currently listed for sale but on 11/3/2021 a MAX level Prince Julian sold for $50,000 USD (Source].

Looking at the numbers supplied above I think it makes the most sense to compare (USD Price Wise) the upcoming 1000 MAX Waka Flocka card to the Beta set of Legendary Summoners. The Beta Legendary Summoners have a current circulation rate of 578-940 bringing us very close to the 1000 circulating supply rate the Waka Spiritblade will have. The high end of a regular foil Beta Legendary Summoner is $749 (Single BCX). The Waka card will be maxed and have a collectability no other Splinterlands card has (The first ever and currently the only celebrity card to be introduced to the game). The lowest cost Beta Gold Foil has a circulation supply of 65 and is going to cost you near $5000 USD at today's (Feb/18/2022) asking prices (Not Maxed). A Maxed Gold Foil Promo Celeb card will very likely be worth more than a base level Gold Foil Card regardless of edition. So does RentMoney think (USD wise) the price tag for the Waka Spiritblade card is worth the current $1800 USD asking price? To be honest, I'm not sure (I'm leaning towards yes). If you hit a gold foil version of this card I have a feeling that you will be very very happy with the ROI you receive but if you end up with a regular foil (in the short term) the card might not have a resale value of the current $1800 USD cost. There is a chance that a flock of Waka Flocka fans come running to splinterlands thus driving up the price but I personally don't see that to be likely. With all that in mind there is still one other thing to take into account before deciding if we will purchase the Waka card.

SPS Current Worth vs. Future Value

SPS main usecase still has not been implemented yet (governance voting) and the Splinterlands community is predicting an uptick in USD worth for the SPS token once its main usecase (and others) are fully implemented. The current $0.14 USD is a USD worth much smaller than the Value I think SPS has or could have in the future. This means Personally I don't think Spending 5000 SPS on this card is very appealing. If I was to purchase this Waka Flocka legendary what I would do is use either Fiat or other Cryptocurrencies I have readily available to purchase SPS with the intent of using that SPS to purchase the Splinterblade card. I would not use any current SPS I already own. Going from Fiat-SPS-Card means I spent my Fiat. Going from RandomCrypto-SPS-Card means I spent my RandomCrypto. Going from SPS-Card means I spend my SPS and at $0.14 USD per SPS I'm not selling a single one.

Waka Flocka: The Man

Waka Flocka came to fame with his breakthrough single "O Lets Do It" which peaked at number 62 on the us Billboard Hot 100. Waka Flocka is a member of 1017 Brick Squad with Gucci Mane, OJ Da Juiceman and Wooh Da Kid (Source).




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What Is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is blockchain game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets. Click here to get started with Splinterlands today.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm so excited to see how quickly this card sells out.
Unfortunately a bit expensive for my taste :D

I suspect it won't take long. Its likely the whales of Splinterlands are getting ready to purchase what they can. The One million SPS cap on Voucher drops was lifted for a reason. I suspect that reason to be so whales can get more of this card.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it's totally worth the value it's just going to be hard for a lot of people to dish up that kind of value. It's a cool 5 million SPS in total so about 1% of the supply. The vouchers are the killer though!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A bulk of these new cards will end up in the hands of the few. As you pointed out, getting 500 vouchers is no easy feat for the average player. Splinterlands lifted the 1 Million Stake SPS cap on Voucher drops causing less Vouchers to go to the bottom end users and more to the 40 or so players who stake 1 Million+.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmmm, SPS goes to $3 in two years. That means a Waka will cost over $15,000 in 2024 dollars. Of course, with inflation running rampant like it is now, a gallon of gas may cost that much in 2024 also. I guess I better just bite the bullet and try to get one of these Waka cards.

I like the way you think. To be honest I would be purchasing one but I thought I be smart and sell my 3XX Vouchers shortly after the Waka card was announced. I had the thought process that the Voucher price would spike and then proceed to dip but that hasn't happened. I still might purchase the card. If not I'll sell my 100 or so Vouchers I have left behind hours leading up to the release of the card.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think vouchers will spike some in the last 24 hours before the sale. I might try to sell a few extras if that happens. I'm still debating if I'll try to buy a WAX Waka if I don't make the cut on the Splinterlands Wakas.

I'm curious to see the wax price. I suspect it will be $1800 in WAX but that is just guess work.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it will be $2000.


!gif great

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not touching any of the small amount of SPS I have. With my luck I'd blow it then when the AirDrop ends it would reach $100.

I don't think we will be seeing $100 anytime soon but it would nice if we can get some burn mechanisms for the SPS token. The mini card set that is coming up will require SPS to purchase so that is another usecase. Hopefully there is plans to burn some or all of the SPS spent on that set.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As a hodl investment plan....probably worth it. As an average player with no where near enough of either points pool to even think about such a card... NOPE. Nope again on their choice of 'musicians' to partner with. Just not a fan of rap. Nor of this guy's choices and behavior out in the real world. If this is the direction they are headed in the future, I'm kinda glad that my family is not playing any more.

Hello! I'm not sure whether the one needs to have to do something with the other (rap/behavior), but I like your thoughts. He may just be the first who wasn't too afraid to give decentralized crypto-publicity his name - that I have never heard before.

Here's some slice of !PIZZA left. I hope it comes hot and you like it.

I believe this is the first of many Celeb cards that will be introduced to the game. Only time will tell who they will be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With the vouchers, that card is pricy. Who am I kidding though, even a regular foil Doctor Blight is pricy for me

The price is certainly much more than most sane people would pay for an in game asset. Its interesting because before Splinterlands the only games I would purchase were from bulk bins at a price of about $15-$30 but here I am considering purchasing an NFT used in an online game for $1800 USD.

I noticed you sent me a MEME NFT you created on HiveMe.Me. Thanks for that, I'll have to remember to send you one back once I create my next MEME NFT.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I read your post on how to make an NFT using meme. Had no Idea I could do that, so it was cool to see how easy it was



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BEERHey @theabsolute, here is a little bit of from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

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Decided not to buy it. Curious to see how it will go, I am sure there is a profit to be made with it.

I'm leaning towards the same. It's likely I'll just sell my vouchers hours before the card drop in hopes that is when the Voucher Price Peaks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello @rentmoney! I can imagine a flock of fans raving for this NFT, especially because of the added bonus of being available as a VR-something-snapchat. I don't know what this is, but it looks intriguing. Always on the side of innovation with Splinterlands.

Since a recent maxed out Regular Legendary Summoner consists of 11 BCX (cards), I think it will absolutely be worth it. Not that it is in my price range. And we don't know where the SPS and Voucher prices will be going tomorrow. But it definitely gives value to the Voucher token and I surely placed a good sell order for those I possess. It's only four, so no big deal. But this way this promo is not only for the whales. I like that approach. And ...

Value ultimately lies in the perspective of the beholder. So I love that with Waka Spiritblade this question is not my business.

Thanks for the trivia on Waka Flocka. That gave me some interesting insights that I didn't want to research on my own. Well done post! Mentioned here next to your raffle.

Here's some slice of !PIZZA coming. And I hope it is coming hot again.

Its cool to see alternate usecases for cards other than playability in the game. I don't use snapchat but I belive the VR-Thing is a 3D version of the card one can display on their SnapChat (videos?) profile? In either case, hopefully we get some new Splinterland users out of it.

Absolutely (and !PIZZA )

It may be worth it but I don't think it's for me because I don't have anywhere near max level cards. It just seems wasted and not worth it for me and my deck.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will be a killer at all levels but I understand where you are coming from. We won't have to wait long as a little over a week we will get to see it in action on the battlefield.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I originally was thinking of getting 1-2 when I first saw the card, but after considering the fact that none of my main decks are death, I decided to pass. Its a nice card and nice mintage, so if I ran death I would definitely buy it.




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It's worth the value and whoever can spend that much will be profitable in the future but again the price is what most of us cannot pay.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will be interesting to see what the initial resale value is. I suspect a few purchasers will be looking to make some quick profits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am I missing something? People with huge collections earned a ton of free SPS which they could stake to get a ton of free vouchers. If they didn’t spend the vouchers on packs, they get an almost free Waka just because they had a bunch of cards to begin with. So while the value may be over $1,000, that doesn’t mean that’s what people who received huge air drops are paying for it. Right?!

One could look at it that way. If one got enough airdropped SPS and airdropped vouchers they could trade them for a "free" Flocka Waka card. For me, it doesn't matter how we acquired said currencies as the lost/spent USD value is the same regardless.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Quote If I was to purchase this Waka Flocka legendary what I would do is use either Fiat or other Cryptocurrencies I have readily available to purchase SPS with the intent of using that SPS to purchase the Splinterblade card. I would not use any current SPS I already own.> Quote

I would do exactly the same just to keep my peace of mind when the SPS go to the moon 😄
Waka is a fantastic card and even from an investment standpoint, it makes sense to buy it. The only question someone has to ask himself before buying is: If I only get a regular one and price take some time to significantly increase while SPS on the other hand is making all-time highs, would I be ok with that?

Exactly, there is too much upside to SPS to spend it. If I'm wrong I'll be ok with that but if I'm right and spend my SPS anyway that would sting. There is many working parts to this investment game. Sure we can trade/sell our cards but that means less airdrop points for the SPS airdrop which means less Vouchers dropped which means we might miss out on cool stuff like the Waka Summoner. Its a very clever system that builds value on top of itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will definitely be fun to rent this card at times. Looking forward.

!PIZZA again hot I hope.

Thanks for the !PIZZA

Not worth that price tag IMO, except for maybe collector value though that can go either way. !PIZZA !hivebits

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It will be interesting to see if being the first and only Celeb card will factor into its resale value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow that is super expensive to me! Nice card though. I like the art.




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