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RE: The Future of CUB | An Update Like No Other

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Indeed, it's been a long time for any update about CUB and good to know that you're working on that too silently. As you shared here that all the features that are in polycub will also be added in CUB which is so good. I expect with this things will be better in cub and this BSC-based Defi will get more attention and grow in terms of value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The future of Cubfinance is playing out on Polycub. What is built there is going to be carried over. That is the key for everyone to remember.

It is not "if" but "when".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Truly, anyone that is not positioned to enjoy the rise of CUB is doing so at his own peril. There has been a long time for anyone to buy into the Project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Truly CUB would make many rich. A lot of investors have not toyed with stacking CUB while the "neglect" happened.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta