Niftyphill & Readthisplease Collaboration: Earn to Learn - The Future Of Education?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

@l337m45732 and @readthisplease back with another collaboration post!

The name earn to learn can be confusing, but the more you think about it, the more you understand the concept. Earn to learn is getting paid, that is, earning from learning, you get paid to learn something. This is something I wish was available during my learning age. I remember being a book worm during my high school days and a little bit in my college days.


Lately I have been having series of discussions with my friends who I graduated college with, some of these discussions had to do with our degrees. We just realized that going to college truly doesn’t guarantee you success in life. Lots of people went to school because they were forced or told that school was the only way to being successful in life. Some people ended up accumulating a lot of school debt because they were trying to get a degree. Imagine the disappointment of finally graduating and not getting a a job or a means of income. Now imagine graduating and realizing that you have wasted your time in college because you spent your time wishing it will end because you never liked school instead of actually schooling because you loved school.

I’m sure if earn to learn was available lots of people would willingly want to go to schools. Yes, a lot of people might start going to school for the money, but don’t forget that a system and a smart contract will be put in place that you can only earn if you perform some educational activities. Remember, it’s going to be on the blockchain so you can’t cheat your way into earning. Now, this is the beauty of using it, lots of people go to school without any means of paying their fees or buying their textbooks. With money earned from the blockchain, you can pay your fees, buy your books and possibly pay for the school bus for your transportation.


Great points, @readthisplease. @l337m45732 aka NiftyPhill here.

This Earn to Learn concept is something that could literally change the way education is viewed and works. It happens way too often that someone goes into a crippling amount of debt to go to college and get a dregree, then can't get a job with it. Take my brother for example, he has a Master's Degree in English and debt that he's going to be paying for the rest of his life. He works a shitty job at USPS delivering mail. If there was a way for people to earn crypto as they attend classes, this would be completely different. More and more every day people are realizing that going to college is kinda pointless.

You don't need a college degree to make tons of money or be successful. People are taught in school that in order to get anywhere in life, they need to go to college and get a degree. In this day and age, this is simply not the case. What's the point of accumulating crippling debt to go to college and work a shitty job once you graduate? Imagine a flipped script. Maybe an online university that doesn't charge tuition upfront. Maybe it runs on the Hive blockchain. Every class a student attends and passes earns them X amount of university tokens which. The university automatically gets a small percentage of every payout. That's the tuition that the student pays. Instead of going into debt, all the student has to do is attend and pass classes. The blockchain handles the rest. It takes the percentage for the university and pays the rest to the student. The student is now earning crypto by learning and getting an education. Those tokens can be freely traded or used to pay for books and other college necessities. This works in a physical university setting as well, creating an even more robust token economy where students can pay for lunch or other goods with their university tokens.

Now with this concept, we have a true incentive for people to go to school aside from the dream of getting a good job. Just like people can now play games with the play to earn model, people would be able to get an education and earn. Imagine going to a university for 4 years to get a degree, and when you graduate you have no debt and you've earned crypto the whole time. Obviously the tokens can fluctuate in value, so the value would be determined by the free market. Even after graduating, users can trade them freely. There could even be a staking option where students could earn X amount of APY on their tokens by staking them until they graduate. The possibilities are endless.

What do you think about this concept?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Tuition reimbursement is a form of "earn to learn" within the current educational framework since incentives are part of the program: earn a grade of at least X, get your money back. Or, earn some grade and get back some money up to 100% for the highest grade.

Earn to Learn using cryptocurrency would be great if it could be proven to work (which it will). A few test cases need to be made involving educational programs, and they can operate on the blockchain of their choice. As an added bonus, a memecoin can transform itself into something else if it can be used for Earn to Learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Loving the way everyone is seeing possibilities in this. Thanks a lot for reading

Brilliant, but did think government can agree on this implementation. But as @b0s said implementation is very easier said than done. Good idea 👍 I love that

This is a very brilliant idea, if it's implented it could change the education system as we know it. But implementing it is easier said than done. And getting the government to agree as well.

It would probably be on a per-country or per-state basis. The cool thing is, once the framework is built, it's just a matter of implementing it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's correct, do you and @readthisplease have any plans on building the framework because I think this is a revolutionary idea.

Neither of us are developer wizards so probably not lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But I'm sure there are people who'd be very much interested in taking up this project. Permission to feature this post? @readthisplease

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True, but you guys can still keep the idea in mind, you never know, someone else might be interested In implementing it.

Well I think it will be a gradual process, slowly the world will adapt to it.


This is an amazing concept. Who says we can't Earn from learning? Learning on its own comes with a lot of great benefits but those benefits are drowned when debts, depression and a country's system overcomes the purpose of it. I think it's an Amazing concept really. Rest assured, My children would be enrolled. Better when this Blockchain academy has a physical building with all round technology, giving these upcoming generation an early start with opportunities. It's a beautiful idea.

Lots of 10 & 11 year old millionaires in the making with all this!.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😂 slow down tiger, I see you are making plans already.

Lol. This is actually exciting to think about. Hehehehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Last year I saw in twitter an app to learn English that gonna be learn2earn (in this year 2022), if I'm remembering well, will has other languages. So this new system it's just starting.

I wish you the best, thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for reading

I have seen a couple of post about this topic of conversation. Like crypto is banking the unbanked am beginning to smell and sense a wave to change the educational sector and how things are done..The revolution shall be televised

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sounds nice, I dont see how this exactly works. Maybe I missed something? Concretely how would this work exactly? Schools pay a student some coin for doing a good job? Then where does the school get these coins from? Tuition paid by parents? Then where do the school employees get paid from? In the end, it would be the same as paying the student regular cash no? That would not be a sustainable system. Or at least it would make education more expensive.

I guess I’m missing e key part of the concept here?

I guess people will have to learn online, like playing play-to-earn, instead of playing games, you are learning. Or the tokenomics and utility will be handled by DAOs

This is so great and mind-blowing! 🤯

To a large extent, I believe that there's a high possibility of this "earn to learn" system of education happening in few years time.

The world, as we know, is always evolving!

From letter-writing and homing pigeon delivery system we've graduated to sending messages and mails with just a click of the button.

Mobile games moved from Snake Xenzia of the 2002 Nokia 9290 mobile phones to 2022 Virtual Reality games in our android "17" mobile phones 😉

And better still, from playing games for fun, to "play and earn" while having fun. Who would have thought it would get to this stage???

Even in the world of social media, we have many platforms where you earn votes for your contents, just like Hive.

In the same way, I don't see the field of education being left out.

I believe some private bodies/platforms will cease this opportunity to create something like this.

Yes, it will take time for it to be implemented in large scale. Just like how Cryptocurrency is still struggling in some countries and nations.

However, it doesn't mean that it is an impossible mission.

I believe it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE, and will be achieved in few years time.

😂 so writing it on Hive and being saved on the blockchain is another way of saying I and @l337m45732 thought of it first. Let the world be our witness.

With a 69% upvote, I seal the deal. It is written on the blockchain. We are the creators of the concept. Anything going forward is ours to claim lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😂 we will be ready to sue if anyone claims otherwise

That's 100% True!

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I think it would be kinda cool, certainly different from what it is now.😎

😂 everyone will love to go to school.

Absolutely when i went to school all i really cared about anyways was earning, selling football stickers, marbles and sweets.

If they paid me for the work and being in class i may have even payed attention while i was there and learned something 🤣


@readthisplease! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (11/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

This could change the world of scholarships too!