Conviction, Patience & Reward

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Have you ever had a conviction on a projects before, invested in the project and got rewarded. Well, most of you guys are experiencing that on Hive right now right? This just shows you how the crypto space and what you can benefit by believing and investing in a project. All you need in the crypto space is conviction and patience, conviction comes from doing your own research. Always do your own research this way you know what you are getting yourself into, but if you invest blindly you will lose blindly.


When you do your own research, you get to see the devs vision, you get to create conviction that this project will be worth throwing in some dollars in and then wait. It’s always a good feeling when you do your own research on a project have the conviction, invest in it and you were right. The feeling when you start taking profit is hugely unmatched. Last year I wanted to go for projects with extremely low market cap, which I did, unfortunately my liquidity was so limited, so I ended up selling some of them to invest in other projects. Checked on some of them recently turns out I was right they have gone ahead to hit 2X and more. What did I lack? Patience.

Doesn’t matter how long it takes, be patient, after having that conviction, wait and reap the fruit of your labour. Always remember to take profit, don’t be too caught up on greed and the euphoria of unrealised profits, that you end up holding it down at loss. In as much as we love the technology and love the crypto space, we are also here to make money. Take your reward when you can, and buy back the bottom again should incase it dips again.


I think without enough conviction, patience can't come about. Because we will fumble on projects when we don't have enough intel on what the project is building. Definitely agree on the part that conviction comes from research, this is so important, especially nowadays.

Yeah, that's so true. Always do your research for more conviction