
This is exactly my point, you're thinking too short-term about this investment. Like I said, the time investment is much greater for new players after these changes but over the long term, if a new player sticks with this game, their rewards will appreciate with the growth of the game. I hope these reward changes haven't steered you away from this game, I think there's a real opportunity here if you're willing to stick it out for a few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am not planning on leaving, but the fear of using up all my DEC for renting without getting back any profit is hunting me.
I have reached the silver2 level but too bad for me i dont have enogh DEC to rent , even if i was to use the one i have , the rewards woudnt cover my expenses even a little bit .. am down -$50 and am loosing more tonight🤣

I'd suggest only renting the power required for silver 3 and see if there are any expensive cards that you are currently renting that you can live without. It sounds like your rental costs are high so I'd focus on reducing those costs without sacrificing the silver league rewards. With a little work on cost reduction I think you'll be able to start turning a profit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you have any card in mind for example because all the low price cards are usually 1000 or 1500 power and around 13-100DEC so i have to rwnt like seven of those oto rank upto silver 3

I usually just grab whatever the highest CP/DEC cards are that are available on the market, which you can view on PeakMonsters. I've been able to consistently rent cards for around 300-400 CP/DEC and every once in a while get lucky with a better deal. But even at 300 CP/DEC, you're only looking at 50 DEC/day to rent the 15k power needed for silver 3.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to learn this