1 , 2 , 3 ) in the last 11 days, (and the mayor of my dCITY is on an authoritarian rampage preparing to hire dozens of cops!) I am trying to build up the number of breweries minting BEER, and have a prosperous town. If you liquidate as is though, it appears 135,000 SIM is worth about 234.632 HIVE on the Engine so that would be the most direct way to cash out. You could post all your cards on the market individually, auction them off. I won some artwork off the ingame Auctions, if you did that with your whole city maybe you could get 250 or 300 HIVE for it. Or better yet, auction it for 100 - 150 LEO. You might want to get more while you can, the demand for LEO is definitely increasing but the liquid supply has shrunk to 1.24% !!I too am increasing my holdings of LEO and other exciting tokens, like DHEDGE, PAY, LIST and INDEX. If you have 1001 ENGAGE you can call for an ! engage , if you have 25 WINE you can call ! wine and if you ahve 24 BEER you can send someone a !BEER ! I am just getting my city purring so if you would like to transfer any random population or low value cards to me @rar3cardz I would be very happy to accept. My dCITY was robbed 3 times (
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I have some breweries up for sale
Thank you! Yoink
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta