Brief synopsis:
Grabbing free NFT = -133 bytes of RAM
Listing free NFT in Market = -768 Bytes of RAM
Selling free NFT in market = 415 bytes of RAM
Total RAM consumed here = -133-768 + 415 Bytes = 486 Bytes.
Does it look correct to you @whywhy
I am not in buy and sell of WAX NFT ,I am mostly getting NFT from splinterland's tournament nad really not spending time in POC.
It, unfortunately, send Lizie to kingdom come and did not return any RAM
I warned you. Do not burn NFT for RAM if you are not the creator of the NFT.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Grabbing and listing looks correct but selling does not cost me anything in RAM. It even returns my RAM for listing once sold. So only cost is grabbing once you sold
Since listing fees in RAM > RAM returned after selling.
so even in selling , RAM is used/lost.
(Assume , if you just let the NFT sit in your wallet, then cost it just under 150 bytes.)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In selling no RAM is used but you need to add the fees into your WAX price indeed. Price for selling based on wax lost would be 0.046...but including the fees it´s 0.051 WAX hence my 0.05WAX suggestion
Indeed at current price just below 150 bytes