Our modern day financial system is composed of stacks and stacks of spiderweb layers that entangle at so many points, I really do think it is complex by design to keep us in the dark of really understanding what "they" are doing. Fractional Reserve Banking is completely atrocious and generates most of the money in circulation, or at least that is how I understand it.
My only disagreement is your lumber theory. I can only speak from what I saw and from other discussions I've had, which is that the lumber supply at stores never really ran out. All the stores I went to had their normal stocks of lumber. And there are multiple accounts of this. So if the supply wasn't there, why were the stores stocked as usual?
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Because people like you and me aren't buying lumber in bulk.
The developers buying lumber in bulk buy it all out and the retail sellers can no longer buy lumber in bulk without paying 3x the price. That price jacking gets passed on to the customer.