
yes @taskmaster4450le even rmsadcri is with us. Come to our Pride

Nope not involved. I was banned.

Boy am I glad you’ve been banned😂. If you were part of the other teams it will be chaos

Nah. I am keeping @tokenizedsociety going.

He is helping to create a mess there. But they pushed me out in favor of others.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yep. Eric doesnt like me. He thinks I am jerk and to punish me he pushed me out.

By joining one of the teams that team will win @taskmaster4450le is a great process creator #whitelions

PVM playing some next level Chess here!

Hehe, task master (check mate) lol

I would like to offer him some #feet pics for freee only if he joins #whitelions


Smart moveeee.

Let's seeee who's side he's gonna choose.