Ask Leo : Defining Leofinance in your own way

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It is always something that Interest me so much, when it comes to talking about the Leofinance community and right now I will definitely be doing another part of the advertisement of talking about the Leofinance community too, I think with this I should be able to at least convince lot of Individuals in other communities via tags to be able to understand what they are missing by not being a lion right now.

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This content is really going to give me an opportunity to give an overview based on my understanding and what have gotten to know about the community, mind you in all ways , I stand to be corrected in case of any errors in what am about to say and I choose to answers questions on anything said here that might looks strange and you might want to know more about.

I sincerely see this an opportunity to not just bring members from other communities to the Leofinance, but to also help and guide the new bies in order to do well too in the community.

Getting back into the community is definitely one of the very best thing that as ever happened and I will still say my understudy of the community still goes on till now as I have been able to go around trying to read lot of contents as way back and some seconds ago I came across a long time content by @leogrowth where bringing fams to the community was talked about, honestly this was a very good development, despite the fact that it as been long , but I still see reasons why I honestly still need to do this also as it is not always too late to bring different individuals to the community.

It is very clear that their are still individuals who still don't know about the Leofinance community and honestly they are much on this Hive Blockchain and this is just one way to tell them and bring them here right now, I see this as a means of wining them to the Gospel of Leofinance community.

#What is Leofinance community #How to join #What to do after joining #Benefits that comes with joining

Understanding the above word's is definitely one thing you need to know right now and honestly I sincerely see that as what will definitely help in doing well after joining the Leofinance community, it is not just all about being a member of the community, but understanding all you need to do is definitely one thing that is very important.

#What is Leofinance community

This is definitely one of the most talked about in community on Hive Blockchain with it token refers to as Leo token, this blogging platform is a decentralized exchange too and with prove it as extended it arms to Facebook and Twitter too, even right now with the level of development going on, it as indeed being serving all what Twitter can do with the introduction of #leothreads too.

Ask @khaleelkazi and his team about Leofinance or see for yourself the level of growth that as happened in the community recently.

#How to join

Their is more to the community than what people think right now and that is why I keep on saying being on Hive Blockchain and not in the community is definitely something that is not right, you can't be here and still be missing out from all the big projects coming up on Leofinance community right now. One thing you need to understand is that their is more to the community than just making money alone, which means you get to learn, earn and get expose to lot of things that will definitely enhance your growth too.

You get to learn more about finance, crypto and what it takes to do well in business too, so having an Hive account is all what you need and good that you have one already just navigate and fellow this link below :

visit to register and start up a new life to being productive.

Doing this above is all you need to join the community and start a new life to being productive on Hive Blockchain via the Leofinance community.

#What to do after joining

Just like other communities, it is very important that you understand that you need to learn and observe how things are done, mostly especially in Leofinance, where it is a Crypto and finance orientated community,but trust me you will get along in due time as giving all your attention to learning will definitely helps you grows well

Writing of contents, engagement and staking of Leo token after earning too is very important as all this things are what is required of you as a new lion in the community, with the introduction of #leothreads engaging will be more easier as you will have the opportunity to definitely talk about whatever you choose to talk about and even experience the twitter like of the initiative too.

Mind you being consistent too is very important as all this will definitely help in making your progress a better one , I will also recommend that you at all time be here and joining the Leofinance discord community too is important, fellow @leofinance and@khaleelkazi for more updates too in the community

#Benefits of joining the community

Get this that your level of growth comes with ease after joining the Leofinance community, that is one thing I can always guarantee that will happen and you will definitely enjoyed lot of initiatives that will help your engagement level and productivity too.

You might have heard about the hive power up day (HPUD) , but what of leo power up day #lpud, this are initiatives that only the Leofinance can give to you and this are all to make sure that you growth system is inevitable in the community, I know you want to know about the #LPUD, so take a look at what @leogrowth have to say about it.

Thanks for reading my content and welcome to Leofinance community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta