We'd be talking about how Unmarshal stands out amidst other rivals, but then it's important to know that The DeFi ecosystem is extremely aggressive so to speak with explorers hoping to get more features that are convincing and notable over others. But One of the most pivotal means for decentralized Apps to providently gel with their explorers is through the push notifications, gaining an upperhand outside in the marketplace. The Kahuna Mobile Marketing Index records that if Notifications are carried out without errors, then, applications can enhance retention rates by over 100%. Which of course can also increase the monthly app retention rate by up to 125% and 90-day retention rates grows by as much as 180% for opted-in users. Absolutely fascinating!
The improved push notifications
Obviously, the Web2.0 runs on one single server and you know saves its data in a single database, to move further, Web3.0bl which is hosted on blockchains, a decentralized networks of peer to peer nodes (servers). so, Unmarshal Smart Notification is a configuration layered on top of blockchains that hooks onto the relevant wallet address/transactions/contract addresses through Webhooks and updates immediately users on any awry occurence. Prior to this, The additional decoding layer makes information more understandable and meaningful. The notifications are customizable according to the conditions of want. The Smart Notifications is featured and supported through Firebase which allows easy triggering of both Desktop and Mobile Notifications with no third party intervention.
So, Having Unmarshal Smart Notification can allow developers to build interactive user engaging platforms and assist owners to constantly keep in touch with their explorers 'codedly', offering timely, needed updates and relevant information like wallet transaction updates and trending crypto pairs, wallet balances updates, price changes etc.. this platform also provide a great way of bringing in users to follow-up in new promotions or features.
Unmarshal Smart Notification features added technical merits providing great value to decentralized App owners and Explorers, and this is why you should choose UNMARSHAL.
Website: unmarshal.io
Docs: docs.unmarshal.io
Telegram Annoucements: t.me/Unmarshal_Ann
Telegram: @Unmarshal_chat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unmarshal