Probably charitable to call him someone who understands hard work and hidden value. Isn't he more like the iconic corporate raider who pushes hostile takeovers, stacks boards, and when he gets his way strips profits, often ruining companies and randomly thinning workforces in ways that bear little resemblance to an effective company. I mean I get it that we are supposed to automatically worship the guy because he's rich, and now all of a sudden he likes BTC. But he doesn't like BTC because he sees value in it per se.
Given his track record, it is safer to assume he sees a way to leverage whatever holdings he can organize to strip value from BTC then move on. Maybe he likes the sounds of Elon's centralized miner's deal. Maybe he likes particular regulations his insiders are telling him about.
Or, more likely it is the push of the billionaires club for centralized controlling interest in BTC plus the LACK of regulation and oversight that attracts him to BTC and crypto. Who knows. His track record is not building, it's dismantling and auctioning off the parts. It will be interesting to see what tactics he uses, but it's hard to imagine that it will be in any way aligned with adding value to BTC or preserving the de-cent vision. Just my 2 cents.
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