
Hai una grande passione per la musica e questa è davvero una cosa bella!

Si, me l'aveva trasmessa mia madre, che per la musica classica aveva una grande passione🐣

I've had a guitar for 5 years in storage.... And I still can't learn to play :'(

Don't discourage🐣. It's never too late to learn to play🐥. Best wishes😊

that is a nice violin there. I wish to learn how to play one.. But i love drums though

I purchased this violin after a suffering period, aiming to have a new one. Before moving to Brazil I was forced to sell my ancient violin I owned since my teens, made by a luthier. I couldn't afford the flight ticket to bring it with me and I was in need of money too while my mother was dying cause a cancer. Thanks God very much, last year I had the possibility to purchase this one. And I think it's never too late to learn to play one, whatever the age.

You must have gone through a lot .. but I hope you are doing well now as well as your mum…

My dear, my parents died many years ago. Second cancer took my mum away (my father was deceased yet when she went away). Now I'm in my new country, sticking with a new life, rekindled little by little my dear old arts activities.

Ohh. I’m so sorry 😢.. you are strong person …

Thank you friend, the truth is God is my strenght🌸