Desiring wealth is extremely healthy and natural for everyone, and I must say that in recent years it has been my most cherished goal, but wealth has always eluded me.
Because although I have had good moments in which it seems that I touch the stars through the profits that I obtain with trading and other things, no matter how hard I try; I cannot maintain myself in a sustainable way at the level of profits that I long to have. I suppose it will be a matter of time before I achieve it, and for this reason I continue to insist on my goals.
I am stubborn in my personal goals
As I have explained on numerous occasions, I am stubborn and obsessed with getting what I want, and there is nothing I want more right now than to get the financial wealth I know I deserve.
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Although I know that many people find the level of obsession and effort that I put into everything I do very irritating and annoying, I don't mind that at all, because I know that every great goal, every great achievement, every success achieved in history of humanity was the result of an insistent and obsessive effort of someone who had very clear ideas and did not care at all what others thought about it.
Because if you are not convinced of your own ideas, any obstacle, any envious person, anything, will make you change your mind and give up your goals, that is why I am like a stubborn mule when it comes to following my goals and objectives. .
And even though I haven't achieved my financial wealth goals yet, I know that I am getting closer (everytime closer) to achieving them; because success comes to those of us who are bold sooner than later.
My biggest goals right now: HIVE and LeoFinance
Based on what I am telling you, I confess that my main purposes at the moment are to grow in HIVE and LeoFinance and to continue being consistent in writing posts and interacting on these platforms. And my fingers may bleed from writing posts and writing comments and voting on HIVE and LeoFinance posts, but I won't stop until I achieve my goals.
Because I know that HIVE and LeoFinance have a great future ahead of them, as a cryptocurrency and as a blogging platform, being from the 3.0 era. The freedom, future and potential of HIVE and LeoFinance are things that you will not find anywhere else, and for this reason I defend these platforms tooth and nail and I try every day to support them so that they grow.
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For all that said, you may think that my only motivation to support HIVE and LeoFinance is to acquire financial wealth, but although it is part of my motivation, it is only a part of it; because I know that these two platforms are much more than just a medium to acquire financial wealth, they are a means of expression, communication and learning that will rival and surpass at some point all the great social networks of today.
In my opinion, HIVE and LeoFinance will overtake Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia and many other online platforms, and it is only a matter of time (years or decades) before that happens.
Which it's very clear to me
What is crystal clear in my mind after all that I have told you is that those of us who are in HIVE and LeoFinance today and who persevere in the task of writing posts and interacting on these two platforms, we will achieve financial success sooner rather than later.
But we must be clear that this will happen because of our decision, action, and conviction to add value to these platforms through our content and through our actions (votes, comments, etc.) in the posts of other users of them.
I think I've said it on other occasions, but just in case, I'll repeat it again, I don't believe in coincidences, but in causality, so I believe that success is possible by striving for what we want, and by ignoring completely everything that could interfere or negatively affect our convictions to get ahead.
By doing so, I know that all of us, who we are here in HIVE and LeoFinance today, writing day after day and interacting on these platforms, will ultimately achieve the financial success that we so deserve and long for.
So that's why we must keep striving to achieve our financial wealth goals. At the end it will worth the time, believe me!!
What do you think about the topic discussed? Please comment.
Gif created by @piensocrates
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Taking care of our finances is the key to living without stress and being able to enjoy the things that most people do not enjoy, precisely because they make the wrong financial decisions.