Here's a Threadstorm where I talk about some widespread myths related to the understanding of wealth and poverty at a general level.
Here's a Threadstorm where I talk about some widespread myths related to the understanding of wealth and poverty at a general level.
2/ One of those myths is that money won't bring you happiness, but certainly neither will poverty. Because you will never see someone extremely poor happy, because no one who does not have enough to cover their most basic needs can be happy
3/ Another widespread misconception in the world is that having money is something that makes you evil. When the reality is that neither good nor bad. That is, neither one nor the other.
4/ Because there are good rich people and bad rich people. As well as the bad poor and the good poor. So generalizing in this sense is a mistake.
5/ Being rich is not bad, because it will allow you to generate greater value for yourself and others. But what we have to aspire to is to be economically rich people with high personal values.
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