I agree with you in everything you express in this post. Without a doubt, it is a subject as interesting as it is exciting that you deal with in your article today. Personally, I think that wealth is a good or value that arises from the proper mentality and effort (in most of cases), or from inheritance (in some other cases); and given that poverty is what is most prevalent in the world (95% of the world's wealth is in the hands of only 5% of the world's population), I think that we the vast majority of people can only achieve wealth if we develop the right mindset and we work towards it.
Certainly, I also think that patience is a timeless value, and I believe in the supreme value of effort and ingenuity to overcome poverty and achieve lasting wealth over time. I think the effort is the key point on this subject because that is how true wealth is acquired that goes beyond simply having money; true wealth consists of knowing how to create wealth, because being so, even if you lose your money or it is stolen, you will be able to recover your wealth because you know exactly how to do it.
Anyway. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing. Greetings.
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