I couldn't finish yesterday's tasks,I saw this man.
I waited to see if someone will come to him for predictions but none came..Today,I will seek answers, write threads and review AFCON's shocks.
I couldn't finish yesterday's tasks,I saw this man.
I waited to see if someone will come to him for predictions but none came..Today,I will seek answers, write threads and review AFCON's shocks.
Lots of homeless people in Lagos right? Every city has that problem. Yes, afcon matches yesterday and some EPL games deserve a review. Will possibly join you.
The roads have become a home for many people with mental disorder.No one saw Morocco's exit coming.Nigeria seems to be the only big name standing,the team will have to watch it's back.
Its really worrying the number of homeless people on the streets. This years afcon is a clearance for the big boys. I think Nigeria will make it into the semis
The game against Angola may be what is often called the final before the final match.
The number of financial incentives offered to Angola players to beat Nigeria is staggering. But I think the eagles will win that.
Really,if the price is right.I will engage them and tell them just what to do.😂😂😂
Hahahaha. Do it.
This man is homeless,I saw him at Lekki.On my journey round town in search of people meeting those with mental disability for predictions,I had to distinguish between them and homeless people.
What happened after that?
I noticed that the number of homeless people is on the rise and the authorities are doing nothing about it.

Sad to see a lot of mentally deranged individuals roaming the streets.I wonder if they'll ever get help?
Will there be any match today?
There's no match as today is rest day.The last sets of the round of 16 games were played yesterday.Did you watch the games?
You know this my work is not easy 😆😆😆.I had to leave him in peace ooo I hope to try again.
Sadly but why not this people help themselves? They are physical able, they can start from somewhere no matter how little
I read a story of a couple who once lived in an uncompleted building. After some years, they transformed from being deatirutes to being employers of labour.
That's what I'm talking about, most people find joy in begging than helping themselves.
Hoping to see the Afcon review, will you make a threadcast for it as well?
@fokusnow may be doing that,I hope to be a part of it
w wow this is hilarious so you actually waited to see if anyone could come to him for prediction
So he is the accurate predictor 😂, take care.
According to sports betters, they believe that a person with mental disability would give a person whose mental state is normal accurate predictions.Is it not weird and funny?
So you believe that fallacy, how can a problematic brain teach correct brain, think about it bros.
I am still wondering what will make people go that low because of money.
It's spiritual, check it very well.
😂😂 Don't laugh at me ooo, it's part of the job