Not really an Investor when it comes to try Cub thing, but seeing how things are right now, I honestly believe that increase in price will definitely bring more means of motivation for investor's to hold more
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not really an Investor when it comes to try Cub thing, but seeing how things are right now, I honestly believe that increase in price will definitely bring more means of motivation for investor's to hold more
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The great thing is that you don’t need to be a buyer of CUB! Simply LP bHIVE and/or bHBD and you are now price-exposed to the increasing value of CUB - since your earnings are paid in CUB.
Sell those earnings daily and compound your position to get more bHIVE / bHBD or hodl those earnings in the Kingdom to bet on CUB increasing in price.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta