The most rigged commodity on the planet, oil!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Oil price on the rise

Since a few months, the price of oil has been on the rise. And unlike most commodities, the reason for that is not because of a rise in the demand.
It almost never is. The reason the price of oil rises, is because the oil producing countries decide it is time for a rise.
Unlike what most people think, oil is abundant all over the world. Just like natural gas. But the oil producing countries like to keep a myth standing that oil supplies are only here for a few more decades. Which is a huge lie.
Those countries have a very big marketing budget they spend on perpetuating that myth.


Easy as 1,2,3

The mechanism the oil producing countries use to keep the price of oil high, is the easiest one on the planet. If demand drops, they just pump up less oil. The reserves drop, and the price of oil rises. The real price of this commodity, is a lot less. But an "organised crime gang, called OPEC", the group of oil producing countries, decides together on how much they will keep on pumping up, so the price is high enough for them. If you ask me, that is "rigging the price", which is actually illegal. But clearly if you do it on such a scale like OPEC is doing it, it becomes legal again.

So, if you here once more that oil is scarce, and we have to be careful with it. Think twice, about who paid to get that message to you.

Oil is abundant, we are just being fooled by "mobsters".




The situation in Pakistan is also going to be similar. Within a month, they have increased the price of petrol twice. Last night, they have increased the price by 15 Pakistani rupees.

Did you stop sending people to your LEVEL post because of all the videos in the replies proving that the Earth isn't flat?