About 2 months ago, my friends and I thought of what would be a proper Christmas gift to give out to people as the year was ending last year and the best we could think of was a webinar to discuss crypto with people that might not be so familiar with the subject as the point in time.

Contrary to what the poster might suggest, I'd like to say that I'm not ultra-rich... Yet! It's a journey and I'm on it. We set out to teach people how to invest in crypto, get to know NFTs, rules that will guide them in the crypto space as they proceed. I'm not sure I remember how many people or how exactly it went but I'm quite sure I know that the first speaker gave investment advice.
Starting with the story of how he got into crypto, he captivated us with his inspirational story. The investing tips he gave are still stuck at the back of my head and I'm not quite sure they'll be leaving anytime soon. What he spent the most time on was identifying gems and picking them up. Although he talked about the basics of crypto, he believed most people could read up on it. Hence, the intense teaching on Crypto Investing.
Of course, he encouraged people to only use the money they can afford to lose when it comes down to investing. He talked a lot about Market capitalization as it is very important when seeking out gems to buy and hold. Low coin price is not enough reason to invest, there's the market cap, there's also circulating supply to watch out for.
The next speaker spoke about NFTs and what we can do with them, how they can be a store of value. He took us aback using the stone age analogy. The days of trade by barter medium of exchange but that in this case, you'll be getting money instead. He explained to the newbies how much they can do with Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs). Trust the overzealous ones to ask if they can swap their NFTs if they no longer like it, lol.
Then, there was me waiting to give out tips to my friends that had been waiting on me to say something. I came up to add to most of the investing advice my friends had dropped. One I remember saying is that gem coins will always the backing of a good community and it's just as important as the rest. One can always do a background check also on the team behind each project before investing. Then, I went ahead to explain how newbies can earn the first money they'll actually invest. As crypto investing is not for people without a source of income. I advised graphic designing, writing on Hive, being an ambassador to a project and all.
To cap it all, I did a presentation for Status Network before bringing on their representative to say hello to the attendants and that was just before we began the giveaways for that night.
At this point, I'm quite exhausted..
Till I write again...

I am Pearlumie
Cryptocurrency and Forex Trader
Growth Marketer
Connect with me on:
Twitter: Pearlumie
Telegram: Pearlumie
Discord: Pearlumie#6633
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3iCSP00
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta