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RE: The Problem With Having Money

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Money has a spirit.
Money is a defense.
Money can be controlling, if you let it!

The more money, the more responsibilities, the higher ones purchasing power, and if one is not careful the easier a person can go broke.

As always, very valid points were raised here @josediccus.

Off-topic: Your voice is soothing 😅😂


Yeah, a lot of people feel that with the more money they can actually acquire, it increases their chances to make better choices and even solve deeper issues on a higher scale. This isn't often true, everyone would still need to be concise with their decisons as more choices makes for difficult in ascertaining one's stand. However, im prepared for such money Issues

Off-topic: Your voice is soothing

Lool I Just finished eating beans before the shoot.

However, im prepared for such money Issues

I know right. If I have money issues, let it come with actually having the money instead of not having the money.

Lool I Just finished eating beans before the shoot.

You and I are in the same boat of beans 😂... So I take that the beans wins the credit here?

You and I are in the same boat of beans 😂... So I take that the beans wins the credit here?

Well that shoot was done like 6 days ago, that particular day lol I admit it was the beans. I just decided to upload the video today, because I knew I might not be able to content on some really challenging days.

Makes sense. I pre-record videos as well.
That's my attempt at staying consistent especially during the rough times.

It's hard for people to know i'm even preparing for exams looolll. But it works really, except the video content is timely.

And major success in your exams.
I wish you the very best outcome.