As for my "math" and blind FUD, all I have to do is look at the trending page and see the same users earning exponentially higher rewards than others. After enough time of receiving these rewards, they will earn more wealth. More wealth leads to more power, and more power leads to more influence. Once a few users have the majority of wealth, power, and influence, it is very easy for them to form a cabal or cartel and really centralize this blockchain. They will have free reign over the direction of this platform. Again, I use Steem as an example of the few ruining it for the many...that is NOT blind FUD.
I am sorry that you are tired of the "same old shit being said over and over again." But just because you don't agree with it, does not make it not true. If I and others are complaining about the same issue, then maybe there is actually a real issue. If it were not an issue, why does it constantly get brought up over and over again?Thank you for replying. For the record, your rebuttal is compromised of Ad hominem, straw man arguments, and insults...all or which are the lowest denomination of debate. Having said that, let us proceed forward as gentlemen (yes, I assumed your gender, please don't get "triggered"). I do not feel that I am flat out wrong. I am happy for you that your blog makes money simply by not having to upvote yourself. You have put time and effort into your posts and provided value to others. This service is rewarded back to you and that is why you make money. That is the very foundation and beautiful thing of the praxelogical study of Division of Labor and free markets, as well as the building blocks of capitalism...all good things in my mind. I have been robbed of that beauty, by @hivewatchers and @hivewatcher permanently without trial or without a way to defend myself. One user determined that my content from Steemit that I created with my scarcity of time and my effort that I posted here on Hive to a whole new user base was seen as spam. I was black listed and when I vented, I was permanently banned. Even if I provide value and service to others, I can no longer be rewarded on this blockchain indefinitely. Let that sink in...that is essentially the equivalent of a life sentence. One user has the authority to be the dictator, judge, and jury for all of time. How is that decentralization or "distribution" as you like to call it? Where else is this power distributed? The whole reason that Hive was created was due to a power struggle over complete centralization. If Hive does not learn from Steem's mistakes, it is bound to repeat them.
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