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RE: Single Sell Organisms

in LeoFinance11 months ago

I am surprised by how hard it has been for me to get folks to go in. They talk about diversification, but only diversify among fiat supported stocks. They can't see any value in diversifying in currency types. Their loss!


It is crazy - just imagine them putting a couple percent consistently into crypto the last 5-7 years.

They simply will not do it at all. It's very easy to do, too, on coinbase. But they've heard it's a waste, that it will go nowhere, and always ask "what can I do with it?" which is a question I have a hard time answering. I remember, however, that when Venezuela went really bad five years ago, the folks with bitcoin were still able to buy stuff. I think south america is far ahead of the US in terms of businesses that accept it. YOu can get a slice of pizza in acapulcho with BTC.

You might think it's crazy but in the meantime they know they're being sensible and that you're the crazy one and they are definitely going to "win" while you're definitely going to "lose" eventually XD