I'd like to think that we are more aware of the different issues of the world because of the prevalence of social media, and how easy it is to share information. Technology is also more advance now. I remember in Ukraine, they had a big internet problem before Starlink arrived. Without it, we wouldn't be as updated about the situation there as we were. When news were just from television, they were easily controlled by the government. But with social media and people sharing their experiences, we get a lot of views from different perspectives.
What I'm getting at is that apart from Covid which was a rare global pandemic, there might not be more than the usual amounts of issues around the world. The middle east has been at war for a long time. Russia has taken Crimea before. China has been trying to increase their areas for a long time now. They were just a few minutes of update in the news back then, and we are getting a lot of updates on them now.