Do you know how they compute and distribute the interest in the Staked HBD if the sHBD has been traded/sold elsewhere? If I had the sHBD for 20 days, and used it after that, will I still get the 20 day's worth of interest? Assuming I get a part of it, if the one who got the sHBD never unlocks it, do I never get my interest?
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No. The interest stays with sHBD. Where sHBD goes the interest goes (but only when unstaked as HBD and based on the 30-day distribution of interest on HBD in savings).
Wow, that is interesting. If that is true, then a person who wasn't keeping track of their sHBD can lose all their interest. I guess I need to unstake my savings then restake if I want to use my sHBD. Thanks.
I don't know of any interface yet that integrated sHBD and VSC wallets. Do you? It's probably too early.
I think in one of the comments they said that it will be available in 3-4 months. So I think any interface that integrates with it will be after that.
Ah, I haven't seen that comment. 3-4 months is still a long way, plus the UI integration, it'll be a while...