These things are effects, not causes.
America has been on the decline way before micro chips. Plus greedy capitalism is why foreign labor is so much cheaper. The student debt crisis alone makes any specialized foreign labor cheaper. The US chose to have a mass campaign that pushed people towards debt-creating “general” college degrees instead of specialized fields.
Things like engineering and working with mechanics used to be taught in our high schools…not anymore. Now it comes back to haunt them with things like foreign labor.
Do white Europeans control capitalism? Who wrote Das Kapital? We have an oligarchy that are dual citizens with another country and we white Europeans are not allowed to talk about them. There is an open war on white men and it is about time we stood up to it.
American capitalism, a resounding yes.
Open war on white men, I disagree…just the side (because there are always 2) that is more concerned about upholding pseudo-capitalism and world domination than its own citizenry
Name one non white (Euro or Euro decent) country that has a flood of white immigrants moving to it. That would make 2 sides. This is one sided.
I can only name 2 white countries that are turning away non white immigrants. Poland and Hungry and the Jews that own/control our countries are insisting they have to increase non white immigrant population.
In the USA there are laws that stop us from keeping our areas culturally homogeneous, specifically the Fair Housing Act.
In the mean time our woman and children are being attacked and or raped in the streets by these invaders.
A woman in NYC burned alive by a Mayan from Guatemala. They do the same thing in their own countries.
Why do we have to let them in?
Keep in mind my wife and I lived a few years with a Tzʼutuji family in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala.
I’m not saying I agree w/ the border policies…it’s a lot of dumb shit going on in that regard. I’m just saying the U.S. has to atone for the horrible decisions they’ve made in the past as does every empire. Pretty much every issue we have u can point back to a dumb ass decision made within the last 200 years…and were too cocky to admit we ever even made a bad decision. Call it justice, call it karma, it will have the last say
American capitalism is controlled by Jews, not Americans.
Again, that’s because of poor decisions made by Americans when they were in control. Any lack of control now is by mismanagement…yes, “Jews” are #1 in control because the #2 (Americans) didn’t know how to capitalize being #1. #2 doesn’t mean u don’t have any control…just means u don’t have the most because u fumbled the ball somewhere