
That is COLD.

Something I've always wondered...

If you lick your lips or your nose runs, does it freeze on your face?


Not yet at these temperatures but if I lick some metal rail for example my tongue immediately gets stuck to it. Ignoring the warnings, I tested this this as kid. Wasn't very cool.

I'm going to need you to test this again and take pics hahaha.

It's pretty cool but you need some warm water to remove the tongue. If you just rip it off, some layer will come be still sticked to the metal and tongue will be sore for a week...

I'm not sure if this is true but was it that when you pee in Antarctica, the pee frozes in the air... 😂 This is definitely on my bucket list!

Antarctica is not the only place of those temperatures. IMHO the "cold pole" of planet Earth is at some spot in North-East Siberia

Oh, yes. That's true. I remember reading about some extreme temperatures over there.

ha ha...WHO has not tested this in the childhood ???

Yeah! 😅 The good old days...

But what happens is eye lashes get stuck to each others when blinking

Is that because your eyes water and that water freezes?

I think so, yeah.

NO. But it might happen if temperature drops down to -45 / -50C. We are lucky not to get lower than -35C in my country. Never

I got shivers just reading this reply haha!!

The air hurts your face.

How cold does it get in your part of the country?

Our problem here isn't really the cold. It will get close to minus 30 C some days, but it never lasts long. Our problem is the wind howls like a cyclone most days and even if it's only minus 6 C it can feel like minus 30 C!

that is cold. Furnace working full time?

That's like the real cold.

I ve never at such temperatures.
Stay safe and inside!

Thats really cold, boss i think covering yourself or being close to something heat enough would help a bit.

here we are 38 a great heat

Well, here is forecasting +24C tomorrow!

ouch very cold it was 19 degrees here