44 LEO quiz solved !

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Today I was starting to think, that no correct answer to my quiz will ever be seen.
Because less than 30 hours was left (before the post with my task expires), and not many new attempts were coming in. But about 6 hours ago my hopes to save 44 Leo was ruined, by a new LeoFinance member @cryptosneeze


He posted exactly what I was asking - the ETH address private key 0x610c8b06eac7fbd9aeb88b500fd6892b038cc60fc40e9381184130e6893fb600


Your 44 Leo been already delivered, @cryptosneeze . Bravo !

Not let me explain a bit, why I was keep saying, that this task is not very complicated, has no passwords or encryption, and can be solved with a few mouse copy-paste moves.

Everyone who has ever learned what the HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallets are, most likely know the great tools made by IAN COLEMAN, and his site for "Mnemonic Code Converter", https://iancoleman.io/bip39/

If you go there and try to play with it, generating never repeating 24 word mnemonic seeds, you can find all the corresponding public and private addresses on that site. 24 words are used only for convenience of non-tech people. But at the very root - it is always a very very very large random binary number, represented in the form of long string of "ones and zeros". To see them, you must select "show entropy details" :

Because high ENTROPY is all what matters for security in a large random number

And once you select it, the view instantly changes into this:


Notice that large area "A" of zeros and ones?
No matter how many times you generate new 24 word seed, it always looks pretty much the same. Always.
23 groups of 11 digits, (used to select the first 23 words in your seed, and extra three bits for checksum and mastering the last 24th word.
The picture is always the same. 253 + 3, or ((23x11) + 3)

Now compare this to the picture of my quiz, in that lost "paper wallet"? Notice some similarities?

Yes ! It looks like reversed. And this was the KEY MOMENT !
My posted "ones and zeros" are just a REVERSED binary seed string.
I expected that anyone who ever used IAN COLLEMAN's tool, will easy recognize this. The rest is "no brainer", just plain copy-paste's

There are many online tools for text reversing. One of them I used was this

So here comes the time of your first COPY-PASTE (noticed the given plain text version in my initial post?)

001 01010111000 10011100011 10100101010
11001110111 01100101000 10011100001 00011001111
10001000010 10100010001 11011001101 01011101001
11010101001 10100011011 01001111100 01111101010
00110101011 01000001100 11111000000 00110001011
11110111111 10110001000 01110101000 01110110111

PASTE in the above reversing tool and you have:
11101101110 00010101110 00010001101 11111101111
11010001100 00000011111 00110000010 11010101100
01010111110 00111110010 11011000101 10010101011
10010111010 10110011011 10001000101 01000010001
11110011000 10000111001 00010100110 11101110011
01010100101 11000111001 00011101010 100

Now, how to use it?
There is no way how to paste it into IAN COLEMAN's tool. No binary number change allowed (section "A")
But... you can change the HEXADECIMAL form of it, which is shown named as ENTROPY in section "B" of pic.2

So time now for second copy-paste.
Going to one of numerous BIB-2-HEX online converters, like this:

Paste the last reversed string, and we get this:


Looks like a HEX type number, right?
Lets make the THIRD COPY-PASTE, and paste this HEX number in the "B" space of IAN COLEMAN'S site:

So we are almost at the finish. Section "C" has already the valid 24 words for our HD wallet.
All we have to do, is scroll down to the area where the addresses and private keys are listed
(make sure you have selected ETH as a proper coin type, like this)

Scroll down more, and see the answer, the Privkey of the required ETH address:

Time for the last, 4th copy-paste, into comment section of the QUIZ, on LeoFinance. 😃

IMPOTANT NOTE: Never EVER use this method for securing your "paper wallets". Not even for funds worth $10 or less.

Initially, I was expecting to get the right answer to this challenge in the first 24 hours, once I posted it.
For someone with the right knowledge ( of after reading this now) - you crypto coins will be gone in less than a minute.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


$20 of crypto within 2 days of joining is one hell of a welcome. What an awesome community. Thank you all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

not bad for first few days :D


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You deserve it. I wouldn't have figured this out at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's an awesome welcome bonus! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Welcome to LeoFinance :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm very pleased to read this, @cryptosneeze.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great job. I was lost at the post title. Welcome to Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations to the person. You lost me at "let me explain a bit", this shit is the most complicated thing i've ever seen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think, the knowledge in this post is worth more than 20$ 🤙 that every one gets.

Oh dude. Finally, some super interesting test of knowledge, where I completely dripped. So possible it will come in handy somewhere and sometimes. Thanks for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, me too. I don't know that bip39 page so cant get to the right direction. But anyway super duper informations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow this is a great one sir @onealfa keep doing a wonderful job....I have learnt alot of things via this quiz of yours....good one sir....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! Knowledge is power. For someone like me Who has only designed relational databases, it is clear that I must learn about cryptography. I may not emulate Alan Turing, but something will fit me.

i was so close - i did the 'reverse' trick but had changed some of the other settings so wasnt getting the right ending digits (i had a few other distractions going on too)

all-in-all I learned quite a bit more about crypto wallets/keys - i never really studied that end of it.

i've never even seen that tool , or really knew how to use that - i always just used whatever generic wallet was available.

my first btc address was on an old 32bit windoze server - was barely able to get it to mine some btc.

i never really used any wallet features though - it's a small miracle i was able to send/receive to exchanges and lose a few pennies here and there.

thanks for this little challenge - i probably learned more in a few hours than i have since 2014 ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

OK. This might have been an easy task for you, but if my life would depend on solving your quiz, I'd be in heaven now. I guess I should change my diet or do something as it seems I'm not that smart :))
I appreciate your initiatives though, it takes people out of mundane on the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i would have never solved this! gj and congrats to the winner!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations @cryptosneeze. In a way we all are the winners, you (@cryptosneeze) won 44 LEO and we won the lesson.

Once again congratulations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All coded things are just a complex series of copy pastes at this point. :)
Nice puzzle though.

congratulations to the winner! I am completely ignorant in this matter! : p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ive Never ever ever ever seen something like this, I would never ever ever have attempted it.....if this was an exam question, I will gladly walk out of the hall holding my balls.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

so close yet so far :D
i did try to revers it, also converted it to hex but never thought to past it to https://iancoleman.io/bip39/. i tried to past binary there as i thought that could be the seed itself (it should not be, but why not :D)

with my knowledge and the fact that i first time ever seen https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ last week when i was looking for a tool that would allow me to use my own seed words to make a private key (for this challenge) i am happy with how close i was :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Pretty impressive and easy I suppose if you know what you are doing. Great initiative this as maybe you pulled in a new user with your bait. Happy to see someone won and I suppose the next trick is to think of another challenge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations on the QUIZ (@onealfa) and on the discovery (@cryptosneeze)! !HYPNO

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @onealfa, here is your HYPNO ;)

Nerdery at it's finest. Congrats to anyone who even attempted to get a answer.. my guess was Jake from State Farm.. but that was just a random guess..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats to @cryptosneeze . Thanks for the contest @onealfa . Even after the explanation it seems tough to me lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad someone finally solved this.. Even better that it was a new Lion getting it right. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I missed not reversing the binary and I don't know about the ENTROPY.

Now I learned a lit more abou this meter

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's actually pretty cool and I learned something new today. Although I get lost in it all.

I wonder what this process will look like in the future, I'd anticipate a more streamlined and integrated approach. As someone with limited coding and IT experience alot of it makes sense but it is process heavy.

Certainly in the future this will all be made smoother.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good job on coming up with this challenge and good job to the winner as well! I didn't even know where to start!

Maybe I'll get the next one since I'll be more experienced in crypto-related subjects

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

your experty Make you Rich as SoOn

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was a fascinating competition that gave me satisfaction even from the fact that I was just watching it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Finally! Had to wait for a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What I see here is his understanding of the subject you are raising 44 Leo. Those values ​​of knowledge and understanding were dozens of times greater than that of 44 Leo

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It would take me many days to (try) to solve this, haha!

Interesting challenge, @onealfa.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I tried to fix it but I couldn't, I didn't execute the inversion of the text

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I re-Leo'd this post to find it back later. I have to read this over again. Very useful information that is worth a lot to help people understand the importance to story private keys OFFLINE. And store them SAFU!

Not your keys, not your wallet

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats for winning this @cryptosneeze
I was right that its not my cup of tea but an interesting piece of knowledge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! I learned so much from this. I thought there would be some HEX involved. But I didn't think all of this. I even learned about https://iancoleman.io website thanks to you. Thanks MASSIVE lot for teaching more about these subjects in an interactive way (with prizes included)

Occasional (regular if possible) posts like this can make https://leofinance.io a lot more fun place to be :)

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