
We found this list of words that coincidentally included words from both of your 24 word strings. It couldn't be a coincidence. @krishare can fill you in on the rest.

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Well, in two ways. It ruled out any classic cipher, where both encryption and decryption has unique outcomes. Second, a google hit on all 48 words was helpful 😉

@onealfa so it means that @krishare won the puzzle....that is an amazing one,would love to know how he cracked that intelligent puzzle.....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@pusen and I have spent maaaaany hours on this one! As I said, the fact that two sets of words decrypts into the same sentence, rules out almost every cryptographic method I know. I also noticed the lack of similarities between the sets. Word length, word classes, number of vocals, you name it.
A breakthrough was to find this list, which contains all 48 words:
@pusen found a python script using this list, and this gave me a hexnumber easily translated to text. One step left, ROT13 - and the solution was found :)

Very interesting. So much different from what I used, and what I was expecting.
I knew (expected) this "poetry" cipher method is not secure, is weak. But not that much.

In fact I was not aware of this complete 2000 word list. Would I knew this - at least I would not give the last hint, the second 24 word string.
The moral once again is confirmed now: DON't trust anybody!

But you have to, sometimes, right?
then...A true random number generators, and a very very high ENTROPY is your best friends in crypto

Wait for my story on all this, from the very beginning. I hope you will like it.

Your 8 LEO prize @krishare been delivered (forgot to stake it for you, but you can do it easy by yourself, if you like so):

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

First of all, excellent work both you have done. I wish you could have wait a little more to empty onealfa's pocket a little more... Lol.

Once again, excellent, marvelous, outstanding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

can you share how exactly the second string was able to help you

i am really very interested in that too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta