
Multiple public keys hash to the same public address, as the public address consists of a suffix of the hashed public key.

Wallets for various coins provide you a list of public addresses all of them derived from the private key, in order for you to preserve your privacy. e.g. You use one public address only once, then for a different txn you use another.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think I understood anything. Maybe you can explain a bit detailed?

This private key

is from this ETH public address:

What other addresses this very same private key controls?

Having PRIVATE key should be not hard to find the corresponding PUBLIC address(s), right?
So what are those others?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A wallet normally contains a master private key and generates multiple slave private keys.
For each private key, you can create at least two public keys, one compressed, the other uncompressed.
There is a ton of material explaining this online.
Please google it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see , we are talking about the DIFFERENT things.

You talk about EXTENDED MASTER PRIVATE KEY, for the whole wallet.

I talk about a private key for a one single address, containing a fixed certain amount of coins.

If you disagree, I kindly ask you,
tell me please, which other ETH address is controlled by this private key:

At least ONE MORE !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta