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RE: 'Cancel Culture' And The Parameters Of Free Speech on LeoFinance - Is Something Amiss Or Am I Missing Something?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Downvoted because it was entirely irrelevant to the actual content itself.

No, it wasn't. It was very related.

I think too many people take downvotes as a personal attack

You completely ignored the issue of the 'rep'. You destroyed his rep with your little button, without even having the Honor or decency to comment as to why you showed how hurt you were. You didn't 'Disagree'. You didn't do anything but destroy a new account's rep in one shot. Lols even mentioned that he/she better not protest, because he/she is afraid of going 'negative' and being muted. You do NOT address this ramification, that you are guilty of imposing. You, should be PROTECTING others (new,small,etc) against the very abusive behavior that you have just demonstrated.

I find your actions here, sickening. I find this destructive downvote system sickening as well. I find the illogical word salad used to justify it sickening as well.

I was waiting to see a more 'official' response from this community, and now I have it. I most definitely will be having nothing to do with this. We have enough issues on Hive as it is.

As far as I am concerned, this is a typical Cancel Culture place. You should give fair warnings instead of Hypocrisy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta