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RE: Why I'm All in on CUB Pools

I am also unconvinced the bridge will have any influence on the price of leo or cub. There are other cheaper options to move funds around with tons of liquidity.

I feel like cub was a big negative distraction from leofinances purpose and has only split the little amount of funds this small community has.

I own some cub in case I am wrong but will not add anymore at this time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I feel like cub was a big negative distraction from leofinances purpose and has only split the little amount of funds this small community has.

Yea I definitely agree that it seems like a big distraction, but I also can't really complain because I've made a good amount of money off of CUB. I'm also not adding anymore and hodling what I have.


I feel like cub was a big negative distraction from leofinances purpose and has only split the little amount of funds this small community has.

It’s a legitimate concern. So I offer these potentially comforting words.

I don’t know what it’s done to platform growth in terms of people joining the Leofinance Community.
I will read the latest Community stats post to determine that...

But, then again the goal is to bring new money and new investors into the community, and to continue the evolutionary growth of the Leofinance Community, and DeFi is a Open Door or Opportunity for growth presenting itself, so considering this:

Cubfinance has nearly 20 million in TVL now, which almost 18 million more then the W-Leo-ETH pair on Uniswap.

This is extremely impressive, and it seems @khaleelkazi was successful in bringing new capitol into our ecosystem. Even when you add up the TVL in BLEO and Cub in the top three farms with Cub and BLEO 2.4, 2.3 and 1.3 million, that’s 6 million, so the 20 million in TVL suggests new capitol has been deposited in the ecosystem on Cubfinance. I feel that given time this platform TVL will increase and the price of Leo and Cub will rise.

I agree that there are competing Bridges, Binance and Metamask, but the ease of use of the Leobridge User Interface and it’s convenient ability to use BLEO and BNB on the first stop off the bridge at Cubfinance, and APRs on Cubfinance are higher then most farms on PanCakeSwap. So these factors may increase Cubfinance Outside investment more, thus buying pressure on both Cub and BLEO May increase, with corresponding price increase.

I hope the Leobridge will make BLEO-BNB farm more popular and the new investors will stay on Cubfinance instead of moving to selling their BLEO for BNB and moving to PanCakeSwap. This would create buying pressure on BLEO and possibly Cub, and potentially increase both tokens price.

At the end of the day, I am just postulating and pontificating, and I have fewer years in the market then @khaleelkazi and none of his Leofinance vision. But his track record and singular focus have earned my respect, trust and his projects my support.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta